General Obesity Information Cost of Obesity Weight Bias Obese Patient Care and Accommodations
What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?
Screening tool for overweight and obesity.
What is Direct Cost?
Cost that results from outpatient and inpatient health services.
What is 69%?
Percentage of overweight patients who experienced weight bias from doctors.
What is chronic lower back pain (CLBP)?
Name the common injury physicians/clinicians face when handling obese patients in this presentation.
What is Behavioral Factors, Environmental Factors, Genetic Predisposition, and Societal Factors?
Four factors that contribute to obesity.
What is Value of Lost Work, Insurance, and Wages?
3 categories make up Indirect Cost, which is the resources forgone as a result of health condition due to obesity.
What is reluctant to seek medical care, cancel or delay medical appointments, or put off preventative services?
Name one consequence of bias in healthcare.
What is bariatric beds, lifts, toilets, door frame sizes, or elevator sizes?
Name one hospital accommodation for obese patients.

Obesity Effects on Healthcare Expenditure and Service

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