Obesity | Diet culture | Weight discrimination in healthcare |
What is obesity?
A serious chronic disease (long term disease) involving excessive body fat
Who is Michael Pollan?
This person said, "Don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize as food"?
What is False?
Weight discrimination bias leads to patients being treated and cared for correctly T/F
What are Age, race, education?
The 3 factors that can impact obesity
What is the vegan diet?
The diet which has been becoming more and more popular recently, and includes cutting out all animal products
What is Michigan?
What state passed a law that made weight discrimination explicitly illegal?
what is 11.9%?
Obesity has increase ___% from 1999-200 through 2017-2018?
What is intermittent fasting?
The dieting technique that gives an "eating window", usually between 2-8 hours
What is 93%?
What percentage of employers would rather a potential employee be of "normal" weight than obese?
What are 1. Heart disease 2. Stroke 3. Type II diabetes 4. Mental health 5. High cholesterol *some cancer related problems?
Name 5 health problems associated with obesity.
What is The Graham Diet?
This fad diet from the 1830s consisted of overcooked vegetables, no flour-based products, and no seasoning
What is 63%?
What percentage of individuals have experienced weight discrimination at least once?
What is Body mass index : 18.5 – 24.9?
What does BMI stand for AND what is considered "healthy weight" BMI for adults?
What is 95%?
The rate of failure associated with fad dieting (as a percentage)
What is False?
Males experience more weight discrimination than females. T/F