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What hormone do pregnancy tests detect
cervical dilation
What is the single most important factor indication the progession of labor
Mild, menstrual-like cramps, dull low backache, pelvic pressure or cramping, contractions every 10 minutes or less, GI cramping or diarrhea, change in vaginal discharge, ROM, urinary frequency, urgency, hematuria
What are S/S of preterm labor
Brown Adipose Tissue
What type of tissue is associated with temperature regulation
What is the pain during ovulation called
Ultrasound, fetal heart rate, birth, examiners feels baby move after 18 weeks
What are the positive proofs of pregnancy
Early/latent, active, transition
What are the three substages within the first stage of labor
Loss of DTRs, <30 mL/hr urine output, <12 resp./min
What are the S/S of magnesium sulfate toxicity
What immunoglobulin crosses the placenta in the third trimesterIgG
Billings Ovulation Method
What NFP method assess spinnbarkeit
Accelerations (+15 bbp, over 15 seconds 2x)
What is defined as a reactive non-stress test
No dilation and effacement, irregular contractions that feels like a “balling up” of the uterus
What are s/s of false labor
One-sided stabbing pain, diffuse lower abdominal pain, referred right shoulder pain, fainting, dizziness, adnexal tenderness/mass, slow vaginal bleeding, grdual abdominal rigidity and tenderness
What are the S/S of ectopic pregnancy
week 12
What week of development does differentiation of genitalia occur
cervical cap and diaphragm
What barrier methods require fittings
FHR accelerations, AVF/AF
What are the 2 most important variables of the BPP
G5 P1, 2, 1, 4
GTPAL: Women comes in prenatal appointment has 4 children at home. Twins born at 30 weeks gestation, 3rd child born at 39 weeks gestation, 4th child born at 36 weeks gestation, miscarriage at 16 weeks.
What cancer is most closely associated with a molar pregnancy
3-8 weeks
At what point in the pregnancy will defects occur related to alcohol
Toxoplasmosis, other infections, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes
What does TORCH stand for
1 hr: <180
2 hr: <155 3 hr: <140
What are the values that must be exceeded for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes to be made?
Breast, Uterus, Bladder, Bowel, Lochia, Episiotomy/Laceration, Homans sign (DVT test), Emotional status
What is the BUBBLEHE assessment
Sharp rise in BP, severe HA, drowsiness or confusion, visual disturbances, decreased urinary output, RUQ pain, restlessness
What are the S/S of impending eclampsia
T4 low, TSH high
What are the thyroid levels in congenital hypothyroidism
Menstrual dysfunction, androgen excess (hirsutism, acne), obesity, hyperinsulinemia, infertility
What are the main S/S of PCOS