What is the APGAR SCORE
This is after the baby is born and 2 scores are done , one at 1 minute and one at 5 minutes
What is boggy
This mom is 2nd day post partum, SVD - you are assessing her and note that her fundus is not firm.. what is this called
What is biorhythmicity
When the mom takes the baby and places the upset or crying infant to the moms body so the baby can hear her heartbeat is called
What is palmer reflex
An assessment done on the newborn and the reflex that occurs when examiner places finger in the palm of the newborn and the newborn grasps the examiners finger
What is bladder
This mom has a fundus that is displaced and not midline, this is caused by _______ distention
What is effleurage
When the mom is pregnant and she strokes her belly to reduce pain when having contractions
What is Vernix
When the baby is born they are covered in this ?
What is "Not worry"- this is normal, since she has been sitting and the blood has pooled in the vagina..
The fundus is palpated and firm during your assessment, you note that their is a clot (no bigger than a quarter) along with a gush of blood that comes out onto the pad with palpation of the fundus, the patient is scared and thinks she is bleeding, you tell her to - worry or not worry?
What is Lanugo
The newborn is born and they are SGA- plus based on the BALLARD scoring tool they are only 34 weeks gestation, you might note that they have more of a fine downy hair all over their body- what is this hair called?
What is a DVT
The patient you are assessing just delivered yesterday via a C-Section - she is having pain in her left lower leg- it really hurts when you do the Homan's Sign what is this possibly indicative of?
What is Skin-to-Skin or Kangaroo care
The newborn is born, to facilitate bonding where is the newborn placed immediately at least for the first hour of life, pending the newborn is doing well?
What is Mastitis
When a breast feeding mother gets a possible infection on one of her breasts, this is usually unilateral

OB exam 4

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