Cells and their functions The Human Body Systems Genes and Hereditary Traits
Use the terms below to complete the sequence of the levels of organization in a multicellular organism.
(organs, organ system, tissues)
Cells--->_______----> ____--->_____---> organism
What is Cells to tissue to organ systems to organism
The brain, spinal cord, and nerves are a part of which human body system?
The Nervous System
In living things, traits are passed from one generation to the next by the transfer of:
1) Blood 2) Minerals
3) Calories 4) DNA
4) What is DNA.
Which of the following is found in a plant cell but not an animal cell?
What is the chloroplast or What is the Cell Wall
Which of the following is a part of the circulatory system?
1) Brain 3) Artery
2) Liver 4) Lung
What is the Artery-carries oxygen and digested food away from the heart into the blood vessels
What is the difference between asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction?
Asexual Reproduction involves one parent and Sexual Reproduction involves two parents.
What is the function of the chloroplasts in a plant cell?
Where food making processes take place
What is the role of the excretory system?
1) protection from disease
2) production of offspring
3) generation of movement
4) elimination of wastes
What is the elimination of wastes.
A wolf receives genes from each of its parents. How much of its genes come from its mother?
What is half of its genes
Which of the following statements is true?
1) Cell's do not need nutrients
2) Chloroplasts contain a cell's genetic material
3) Cells grow and reproduce
4) All non living things are made of cells
3) Cells grow and Reproduce
How is mechanical digestion different from chemical digestion?
Mechanical digestion includes chewing food into smaller pieces. Chemical digestion is where saliva begins to breakdown the food.
If the allele for brown eyes, (B) is dominant and the allele for blue eyes (b) is recessive. Which combination could produce a child with blue eyes.
Why do plants need chloroplasts?
Chloroplasts are organelles in plant cells where food-making processes take place.
Chemical messengers secreted by glands are called?
1) neurons 3) antibodies
3) enzymes 4) hormones
What is a hormone. Hormones regulate many slower body functions such as metabolism, growth, development, and reproduction.
A)Under what conditions do organisms compete with one another?
B)What do they compete for?
A) When organisms try to use the same resources in the same place. possible extinction or endangered species
B) Organisms compete for water, nutrients, light, space, or food.

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