Food Groups | Vitamins and Minerals | Herbs and Spices | Ethnic Foods | Diet and Disease |
What is Grains
Wheat, oats and barley are from this food group
What is Calcium
Milk is the best dietary source of this Mineral
What is Pepper
This spice is very common, but is not salt
What is Tacos
These can have a hard for soft shell
What is Fruits and Vegetables
Cancer risk increases by smoking and an insufficient intake of this food group
What is Fruits and Vegetables
It is good to choose dark green and orange colored foods from this group
What is Vitamin D
This is known as the sunshine Vitamin
What is Salt
Most of the flavoring agent in our diet comes from processed foods
What is Hamburgers
The favorite fast food of North America
What is Diabetes
Blood sugar levels are controlled with diet or insulin in this disease
What is Meat
You need 2 to 3 servings a day from this group
What is Vitamin C
This Vitamin is thought to help prevent colds
What is Dill
Many people are eating this herb with their favorite cucumber picked
What is Tortilla
Refry beans wrapped in this corn blanket can make a complete meal
What is Cancer
Eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and eating less processed meats can prevent this disease
What is Fruits and Vegetables and Grains
These two food groups are good sources of fiber
What is Eating
This is the best way to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs
What is Garlic
This herb has a reputation for causing bad breath
What is Pizza
This Italian food can contain all four food groups
What is Lactose or Lactose intolerance
If you body cannot digest this sugar in milk, you have this intolerance
What is Dairy
Calcium and Vitamin D are the main nutrients in this food group
What is Iron
Spinach and liver provide a good source of this mineral
What is Mint
The Latin name for this herb is Mentha and can be used to flavor your water
What is Perogies
Stuff this dumpling with potatoes, cheese, or onion
What is trans fats
This type of fat is associated with increased risk of heart disease and it found in many processed foods