Nutritional Requirements | Eating Disorders | Obesity | Education//Misc | REDEMPTION |
What is 80-120 k/cal
During the first three years of life, children need how many kcal/g to support growth?
What is Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating
Name the three eating disorders covered in this presentation
What is low self-esteem
This is a psychological risk of obesity
What is meal planning/cooking
Allowing your child to be a part of this will help peak their interest in nutrition
What is vitamin K
Vitamin Responsible for blood clotting
Type 2 diabetes, breathing problems, liver problems, gallstones, early puberty...ETC.
2 effects of inadequate nutrition during growing years are
Who is the mother
Psychologists have identified this family member as the main source of pressure to be thin
What is 1970
The US rise in obesity began around this year
What is High cholesterol
High blood pressure Atherosclerosis as an adult
Growing up eating foods high in fat, sugar, and salt can increase the risk for (1)
What are Vitamins A, D, E, K
These vitamins are fat soluble
What is Iron
Deficiency of this can affect growth and cause anemia
What is Binge eating disorder
People with this eating disorder feel out of control and ashamed after partaking in overeating.
What is Genetics, behavioral factors, environmental factors.
Three main contributing factors of obesity are
What is 2/3
Nearly how many children between the ages of six months and two years are not fed food this will Adequately support their growth
What is Vitamin B1
Thiamin is also known as
What is Vitamin D and Calcium
It is said that children need 700 mg of this vitamin coupled with this mineral a day.
What is Bad memory, Muscle pain, Kidney failure, Osteoporosis, constipation or bloating
Anorexia Nervosa causes weight loss, brittle hair, and yellow skin, what is one other common sign of Anorexia Nervosa?
What is
Immunity and inflammation Memory and learning Allergies Food allergies Heart disease Obesity Education
A long term affect of fast food consumption is
What is an eating disorder
This involves a distorted body image and a morbid and irrational pursuit of thinness
What is a positive charge
Cations have this charge
What is Eat 3 meals a day
Increase fiber in diet Decrease salt in diet Drink water Choose fresh fruits instead of processed foods Try to be involved with meal planning/meal prep
What were FOUR of Maddy and Alexis's rules to healthy eating?
What is Bulimia Nervosa
This eating disorder can make a person fear eating in public
What is Asthma
Sleep Apnea Hypertension Hyperlipidemia Metabolic Syndrome Liver Disease Type 2 Diabetes Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (DAILY DOUBLE)
FIVE health risks for obesity
What is one cup
Toddlers need this much fruit per day
What is 7.35-7.45
This range of pH is compatible with with life