Fast food | Diet and disease | Eating well with Canada food guide | Vitamins and minerals | Food facts |
What is baked potatoes or salad?
This is a healthier alternative to french fries.
What is heart disease?
This is the most common cause of death in North America.
What is The grain products group?
This food group has bread, rice, and pasta products and provide your body with energy.
What is vitamin C?
This vitamin is thought to help prevent colds?
What is A fruit?
Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?
What is McDonald's ?
This fast food restaurant is the most popular in the world with more than 30,000 restaurants and 119 countries
What is what is cancer?
Eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help you prevent this disease.
What is vegetables and fruit group?
We are encouraged to eat for 4-10 servings per day of this food group.
What is vitamin D and calcium?
What vitamins and minerals are especially important in bone strength?
What is cucumbers?
This vegetable is used to make pickles.
What is sodium salt?
Fast food often contain high amount of calories, fat and sodium.
What is osteoporosis?
Adequate calcium intake helps prevent this disease of weekend bones
What is The grain products group?
This food group is the main dietary source of carbohydrates.
What is vitamin A?
Does vitamin is important for good eyesight.
What is Broccoli?
This vegetable is a member of the cabbage family and is closely related to cauliflower.
What is what is 50%
An average fast food meal contains approximately this percentage of calories from fat. 25%, 50%, 75%
What is celiac disease?
If you are allergic to protein and bread you have this disease.
What is what is milk and alternative groups?
Calcium and vitamin D are the main nutrients in this food group.
What is vitamin B 12?
This B vitamin is found only in foods from animals
What is hummus ?
This dip originated in the middle east and the main ingredient is chickpeas.
What is saturated fat and trans fat?
These are the main fat foods found in fast food.
What is high blood pressure or hypertension?
Sodium salt is used by the body to control blood pressure, too much of it can cause this disease and some people.
What is what is meat and alternative groups?
Tofu belongs to this food group.
What is vitamin K
This vitamin helps with blood clots thing.
What is corn on the cob?
Eaten fresh in the summer as a vegetable, it becomes a grain when dried out.