General #1 | Carbohydrates | Fats | Proteins | General #2 |
What are nutrients?
Substances that the body needs to regulate bodily functions, promote growth and repair body tissues.
What are simple carbohydrates?
They are known as sugars and occur naturally in fruit, some veggies and milk. They can also be added to cookies and candy and other manufactured foods.
What is unsaturated fat?
Usually liquid at room temperature and found in vegetable oils and nuts.
What are amino acids?
Long chains of smaller links that are bound together chemically.
What is nutrition?
The process by which the body takes in and uses nutrients.
What are calories?
The unit that energy, nutrients and food is measured in.
What is fiber?
This is a type of complex carbohydrate found in plants and it passes through your body without being digested.
What is cholesterol?
It is only found in animal products such as butter or steak.
What are essential amino acids?
The body cannot manufacture 9 of these so they need to be provided in your diet.
What is energy?
The more of calories a food has the more of this that it contains.
What is metabolism?
The chemical process by which your body breaks down food to release energy.
What is fiber?
This helps prevent constipation, colon cancer and heart disease.
What are trans fats?
Foods that contain these stay fresher longer but they do not have positive benefits and can lead to heart disease.
What is the most important role of a protein?
The growth and repair of your body's tissues.
What are carbohydrates?
Supplies energy for your body's functions
What nutrients provide the body with energy?
Carbohydrates, fats and protein
What are complex carbohydrates?
Examples include potatoes, grains and tortillas.
What is the percentage of calories that should come from fat?
20% to 35%
What are plant protein sources
People who don't eat meat can combine two or more of these protein sources to provide all 9 essential amino acids.
What is glycogen?
What extra glucose (sugar) in your body is stored as.
What are the six classes of nutrients?
Carbs, fats, protein, vitamins, minerals and water
What is the percentage of carbs that you should eat in your diet every day?
45% to 65%
What are fats?
These supply your body with energy, form your cells, maintain body temperature and protect your nerves.
What are complete proteins?
Protein from animal sources are these type of proteins because they contain all 9 essential amino acids needed by your body.
What is the liver?
This organ makes all of the cholesterol your body needs.