APIE | Teachers and Learners | Culture Competence | Group Learning |
Assess the learner
The first step in developing a nutrition education program/lesson:
a. write objectives b. develop evaluation c. write goals d. assess the learner |
d. facilitate student learning
The most important teacher function is:
a. transmit knowledge b. diagnose learning problems c. serve as a resource for information d. facilitate student learning |
find out about major ethnic and racial groups his or her agency serves
To prepare for cross-cultural counseling an RD should:
a. take a course in sociology b. learn to speak clients language c. ignore his/her own cultural bias d. find out about major ethnic and racial groups his or her agency serves |
Cost-effective Support Reinforcement Modeling Brainstorming “House of mirrors” effect
Advantages of group counseling:
Goals and Objectives are written-Educator decides mode of learning (lecture, facilitated discussion...etc) and what materials they might want to use (handouts, audio visuals...etc). Educators take culture into effect during this stage too.
What occurs during the Planning stage?
Formative-happens before and during
Evaluation that occurs before or during a learning activity is called:
a. summative b. formative c. criterion referenced d. norm-referenced |
All of the above
What should you do when counseling a person from another country:
a. respect clients cultural practices b. ask how the client prefers to be addressed c. speak directly to the client d. all of the above |
Need a skilled facilitator
Straying from topic Dominators non-participators “toxic” members Stifle creativity
Disadvantages of group counseling:
Educator presents what they have planned to the intended audience keeping in mind objectives.
What occurs during the implementation stage?
Adding senses (audio, visual, hands on experiences...etc) enhances memory
Why do students need a variety of teaching methods:
a. because using additional senses enhances memory b. because clients are easily bored c. because people remember best when information is given in high tech presentations d. recall is enhanced by complexity in activities |
A middle-ground between the norms and habits of the culture of origin and the dominant culture is referred to as:
enculturation assimilation acculturation subculturation |
What stage of a group do people brainstorm ideas in:
Forming Storming Norming Performing |
Educator collects results of learning. Could be psychomotor, cognitive, etc. Want to make sure the behavioral objectives were met, and REVISE plan for next time if needed.
What occurs during the evaluation stage?
written quiz
The best way for an instructor to evaluate cognitive learning is:
a. fun activities that demonstrate concepts b. written quizzes c. group discussion d. simulations |
a. viewing each culture and traditions as unique adaptations within its own contextatients about their use of tobacco products
Cultural relativity is:
a. viewing each culture and traditions as unique adaptations within its own context b. relating your culture to everyone else c. ensuring your teachings are diverse for all cultures |
Group similarity selectivity (interview first if possible) environment
What Logistics do you need to consider when educating a group?
Performance Verb
Condition Criterion Identify the domain of learning
What are the parts to an objective during the planning process?
Observes student performance
Best way to evaluate psychomotor learning is to:
a. observe student performance b. have students draw a diagram of the task c. oral quiz d. group discussion |
What name should I refer to you by?
Tell me a bit about your culture and eating habits?
What are some appropriate questions you can ask a participant from another culture when counseling?
Attendance How to give feedback How problems will be handled speaking up paying attention
What ground rules should you form before starting a group session?