Legislative | True or false | Nurse to Patient Ratio's | What should you do? | Random |
Is there a bill passed that mandates nurse staffing in New York?
No. A bill exists, but still needs to pass.
Is there a direct link between mandated nurse staffing ratios and improved patient outcomes?
Telemetry Unit
If you were assigned 9 patient's on a med/surg floor, what should you do?
If you are feeling uncomfortable, and unsafe with your assignment, address your charge nurse, or nursing supervisor.
How many additional deaths per 1,000 patients occur with a 1:8 ratio?
5 deaths
What are the elements of a staffing plan?
Set ratios, planning and delivery of nursing process.
The odds of patients having negative outcomes such as hospital acquired infections or death does not increase with the amount of patient's assigned to a nurse.
Emergency Department
How do you advocate for safe staffing?
Writing your state legislators, participate in rallies, join nursing associations active in the cause
The odds of a patient death increase by what percentage with each additional patient a nurse takes on beyond 1:4
7% with each patient
What is the penalty if the hospital or organization violates the law once the staffing bill passes?
Civil Penalties.
Hospitals will have to lay off hospital staff in order to meet proposed nurse/patient ratios
What should you do if life gives you lemons?
Make some lemonade. Add Vodka. Enjoy.
What is the average cost of a hospital acquired infection?
around $15,275
What is the proposed bill?
New York state will have set nurse to patient ratios that will ensure better quality of health care provided, and decrease negative patient outcomes.
Readmissions within 30 days of discharge, and hospital acquired conditions will be reimbursed
Labor and Delivery
What should you do if you are feeling overwhelmed with your work load?
Ask for help. Utilize unit resources available.
How many units are short staffed out of 5?
2 units
Are lower patient/nurse ratio's cost effective?
Yes. With the cost of hospital acquired infections, the budget needed to staff additional nurses is actually lower than the cost of unintended infections acquired by patients.
Registered Nurses can make a difference in the fight for safe staffing in New York State
What's your favorite color?
Good answer.
What percentage of nurses admit to excessive work loads?