Shhhhhh! | Welcome Matt! | How Do I Read This Book? | Make Your Mark! | What Comes Next? |
what is Hellenism?
This is the influence of Greek culture.
What is 40 days?
The length of time Jesus didn’t eat food in the wilderness.
what is common view?
Synoptic means this.
Who are the Gentiles?
Who was the intended audience of the book of Mark?
What is Matthew?
"___________" Mark Luke John
Who is Alexander?
It is thought that he did not destroy Jerusalem because he was shown the prophesy from the book of Daniel.
Who is Judas?
He betrayed Jesus
What is Hermeneutics?
What the text means to us in present time.
What is the wilderness?
The Holy Spirit led Jesus here to be tested
What is Galatians?
Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians "_________"
What is the Septuagint?
This is the Greek translation of the Old Testament
What is "a gift of God?"
What does the name of Matthew mean?
What is Inspiration?
God empowered men through the holy spirit to write his words and truth
What is the Kingdom of God?
The parable of the growing seed represents this
What is Philippians and Colossians?
Ephesians "________" "________"
He took control over Alexander’s nation is Southern Syria and Egypt (Israel)
What is Matthew 5:13?
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”
What is "divine" and "human?"
Bible is authored by both the "______" and the "_______"
Who is Herod?
This person hated John, but still liked to listen to him.
What is Titus and Hebrews?
"_______" Philemon "_______" James
Who is Antiochus IV Epiphanes?
This man set up a pagan altar in Temple and offered a pig sacrifice
What is a donkey?
Which animal did Jesus ride when he enter Jerusalem?
What Is historical context?
Time, culture, geographical climate, occasion of the writing (purpose) relates to this.
Who are Simon and Andrew and John and James?
The two sets of brothers who are fishermen.
What is 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John?
"_______" "_______"
"________" "________" 3 John |