Original | Impromptu | Extemporaneous | Interpretation | Misc |
What is Societal issues?
What type of issues are OO speeches about?
What is 4 categories?
How many topic categories are there in Impromptu?
What is 30 mins?
How many minutes of prep do you get for an Extemp Speech?
What is HI, DI, DUO and OI?
What are the four main events of Interpretation?
What is Atmaja Patil and Divya Venkataraman?
Who are the presidents of Speech names first and last?
What is Intro, causes, effects, solutions, and conclusion?
What are the 5 parts of an OO Speech?
What is anecdote/hook, thesis, roadmap?
What is the basic outline of every impromptu speech introduction?
What is National Extemp / Domestic Extemp?
What is the name of the Extemp event concerning domestic affairs?
What is 10 min speech with 30 second grace period?
If a clueless Speech judge enters your room and asks what time limit interp is supposed to be, what do you say?
What is Call to action OR Connection to Anecdote?
What is the final closing remark/portion of an Impromptu Speech called?
What is 10 minutes with a 30 second grace period/10:30?
What is the max time for an OO speech?
What is NO?
In Impromptu, are speakers recommended to use personal stories as examples?
What is Coach Eric D’sa?
Which speech coach specializes in Extemp?
What is you need to interpret your piece?
Why is Interpretation called Interpretation?
What is Eldritch Teletubbies?
What is the Extemp branch’s “mascot”? hint: spooky version of children’s tv show?
What is Smriti?
Which captain hates Mint Chocolate Chip?
What is Concrete?
Which topic category would “Mickey Mouse” be put into?
What is Speaker’s triangle?
What is the name of the technique used to transition between points in an Extemp speech?
What is you can’t, it’s illegal - but we still do it anyway?
How many pronouns can you change in your script?
What is Vrinda?
Who did Smriti propose to for a dare?
What is Anika?
Who is the shortest OO Captain?
What is YES?
Is the book “Wonder” on the No No List for Impromptuers/is considered a cliche example?
What is close-ended question?
What do you call a topic/question that has a yes/no answer?
What is No, I’ll do it without the twenty dollars?
If I gave you twenty dollars to act as Gavin in front of Gavin, would you do it?
What is Neither, Elene and Olive will win?
For Interpretation specifically, if you were in a squid game and one of the games was to play charades, who would win, Michelle or Meggie?