Mark Twain
Who is the author of this book?
Becky tore it.
What happened to the teachers book?
He begs for money on the street.
What does Tom do to make money?
He kills Father Andrew.
Who does John Canty kill?
What does Tom Sawyer love?
Tom said he tore the teacher's book.
How did Tom help Becky?
His father would hit him.
What would happen if Tom came home without money?
Miles Hendon
Who is the man who helps Edward?
His parents were dead.
Why did Tom Sawyer live with his aunt?
They go to a cave.
Where do Becky and Tom go to have an adventure?
He teaches Tom Latin and French.
What does Father Andrew do for Tom?
His father sent him there. His brother Arthur told their father bad stories about Miles.
Why did Miles Hendon go to France for 7 years?
the graveyard
Where do Tom and Huck go to have an adventure?
He said that he saw Injun Joe kill the doctor in the graveyard.
What did Tom say at the trial?
He wants to change/switch places with Tom. He wants to wear a pauper's clothes and play with the other boys.
What does Edward want to do with Tom?
No. He likes Cheap Street better. He wants to play with his friends in the river.
Does Tom like being the prince? Why?
They saw Injun Joe kill the doctor.
What did Tom and Huck see at the graveyard?
They are afraid that Injun Joe wants to kill them.
Why are Tom and Huck afraid?
The Great Seal.
What is the most important thing to the king of England?
He is worried that he won't have a job.
Why is Oliver Carpenter worried?