Vocabulary | True/ False | Lying or Not? | Touching Countries | Too Close For Comfort? |
The use of hands
Can be used for sign language and keeping people engaged
It is positive body language if you are leaning towards the speaker.
The speaker is pulling their earlobe and touching their lips.
New Zealand/ Eskimos
Which country rubs their friends backs
1.5 to 4 feet
What is the distance of personal space?
The uses of hands, limbs, or the body to send messages
The face is capable of 700,000 facial expressions.
Not Lying
The speaker is using good eye contact and using gestures.
Which country meets strangers and kisses them on the cheek?
people you are close too; friends, family, lovers, etc.
What type of person would you talk to if you were in their intimate space?
personal distance
The distance comfortable for conversation between friends.
People remember over 90% what they hear rather than what they see.
Not Lying
The speaker is stiff but using gestures and speaking at a good volume.
How many countries are not comfortable with touching?
mall or school
If you are in public space, where could you be?
tone of voice
The pitch and timbre of a persons voice
People can disguise facial expressions really well so people should not always base peoples moods on their face.
The speaker is looking around and covering their mouth.
Italy, Greece, Russia, Latin countries
Name 3 countries that are comfortable with touching.
professional or most social
If you are in social space, what kind of conversation could you be having?
nonverbal message
Facial expressions or body movement used to convey messages not spoken.
There are 7 foundation expressions: surprise, anger, fear, disgust, happiness, sadness, and depression.
The speaker is stroking their chin and keeps fidgeting.
What is the most polite greeting in Japan?
What is
What space would you be in if you were telling a friend a secret?