Australian Slang | Ask Kody先生 a question! | Recommendations | Kody先生 asks a question | Australian Slang pt2. Idioms |
"Arvo" means "Afternoon"
What does "Arvo" mean?
Question 1
Recommend 1 game for Kody先生 to play.
On the weekend, I...
What did you do on the weekend?
A polite way to disagree with what is being said.
What does "yeah, nah" mean?
"Brekky" means "Breakfast"
What does "Brekky" mean?
Question 2
Recommend 2 restaurants for Kody先生 to go to.
During the Winter Holiday, I...
What did you do during your Winter Holiday?
To take a day off work or school pretending you are sick even if you aren't.
What does "Chuck a sickie" mean?
"Chockers" means "very full"
What does "Chockers" mean
Question 3
2... 3...
Recommend 3 band, groups or artists for Kody先生 to listen to.
My favourite place in Japan is...
Where is your favourite place in Japan?
It will be okay.
What does "She'll be right" mean?
"Snag" means "Sausage"
What does "Togs" mean
Question 4
2... 3... 4...
Recommend 4 shows for Kody先生 to watch.
I am in...
My favourite thing about ... is ...
Which club are you in?
What is your favourite thing about your club? |
That will never happen or work.
What does "Tell him he's dreaming" mean?
"Dunny" means "Toilet"
What does "Dunny" mean
Question 5
2... 3... 4... 5...
Recommend 5 of ANYTHING to Kody先生.
After High School, I want to ...
What do you want to do when you graduate High School?
The middle of nowhere.
What does "Woop Woop" mean?