Culinary Equipment | Safety | Different cuts | culinary math | random |
large deep spoon used to serve soups, stews, punch, and sauces
The least serious of burn is
first degree
1/2 by 1/2 by 1/2
Large Dice
1 Tbsp= how many tablespoons
3 tsp
mise en place
everything in place
Tool to remove the outer layer of fruits and veggie
Glass from a broken light bulb is an example of which type of contaminant?
Cutting food into very small pieces
how many cups are in a pint?
when greeting a guest, hospitality beings with
a smile and eye contact
a tool used for basting baked goods with melted butter or brushing on glazes
pastry brush
Pathogens grow well in food that has a temperature between
41-135 degrees
Finely slicing leafy vegetables
1 cup=how many tablespoons?
16 tablespoons
baking a crust without a filling
blind baking
to whip eggs or cream or add air to a batter
Wire Whisk
A class A fire extinguisher is used for what type of flammable materials?
wood, paper, and cardboard
thin matchsticks
1 cup=how many ounces
8 ounces
builds muscle tissue
Used to stir foods that are in liquids and to separate the solid foods from the liquids when serving
slotted spoon
When carrying hot food, food handlers should do what?
warn others around you that your coming through
1/2 in X 1/2 in X 1/8 in
1 gallon=how many quarts?
4 quarts
provides energy