Noah's Family The Wicked World BONUS QUESTIONS Building the Ark The Flood
Who did God tell to build the ARK?
Because everyone on Earth was evil.

In Genesis 6:5, it says that "...the wickedness of man was great in the earth..."
Why did God send a flood on the Earth?
False - God shut it

After everyone was safely aboard the ark, Noah shut the door.
An Ark
What did God tell Noah to build?
40 days and 40 nights
How many days and nights did it rain?
Shem, Ham, and Japeth
What are the names of Noah's THREE SONS?
D. All of the Above
Noah was: A. blameless, B. Righteous, C. Obedient or D. All the above.
We can be...

living godly
patient Christians
opposite from the world
obeying the Lord's commandments
telling others about God
What are 3 ways we can be like Noah in our lives today?
C. Gopher wood
God told Noah to make the ark out of:
A. Cedar wood
B. Birch wood
C. Gopher wood
D. Chocolate
Because God was in the ark!
When the ark was finally finished and it was time to enter the ark, God told Noah in Genesis 7:1 "COME" ... God didn't say "GO" ... How come?
Who was the oldest of the three sons? Was it Shem, Ham, or Japeth?
Noah, Noah's wife, Shem, Ham, Japeth, and their three wives.
God decided to flood the entire world to destroy every evil thing. But God saved 8 people...Who are those 8 people God saved?
First, he sent out a raven, and it came back

Second, he sent out a dove, and it also came back

Third, he sent out a dove, and it came back with an olive branch

Fourth, he sent out a dove, and it didnt come back
Noah sent out a bird 4 times. What was were the birds he sent out, and what happened each time?
D. 1 window and 1 door (Noah followed what God told them to do)
How many windows and doors did God tell Noah to put in the Ark?

A. 1 window and 2 doors (in construction, you are always supposed to build an extra door for emergencies)

B. 2 windows and 1 door (these windows were needed for light inside the ark, so more windows = more light)

C. 1 window and 1 door (Noah and his family ran out of time to build any more doors and windows)

D. 1 window and 1 door (Noah followed what God told them to do)
D. 150 days
It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. But how long did the water stay on the Earth?

A. another 40 days and 40 nights
B. 100 years
C. 0 days (after the rain stopped, the flood disappeared)
D. 150 days
Who was Noah's FATHER?
Because Noah was just, perfect, obedient, godly man and he lived for God.

In Genesis 6:8 it says "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD."
Why did God choose to save Noah and his family? What was his lifestyle like?
F. None of the above

Bro Ivan - November 18
Miss Netanya - December 12
Bro Lance - November 5
Miss Amiah - January 7

Which is the right answer?

A. Bro. Ivan's birthday is January 7
B. Miss Netanya's birthday is November 5
C. Bro. Lance's birthday is November 18
D. Miss Amiah's birthday is December 12
E. All of the above
F. None of the above
Because after the flood, Noah needed to build an altar and sacrifice unto the LORD, so he needed extra animals!
God told Noah to bring in two of every animal.

But God also told Noah to bring 7 of every clean beast. Why seven?
They WAITED for God to tell them to go out. They didn't just leave...
When Noah saw that the third dove didn't come back anymore, what did Noah and his family do?
Who was Noah's GRANDFATHER?
Because sin is like a disease. It spreads really really fast. And it is passed down from generation to generation.
After only 9 generations since God created the world, the Earth had become SUPER wicked.

Even though God created the world to be perfect, why did the Earth become so wicked so FAST?
"For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous."
Two weeks ago, we had a memory verse... 1 John 5:3
300 x 1.5 = 450 ft long

50 x 1.5 = 75 ft wide

30 x 1.5 = 45 ft high
Genesis 6:15 "And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fiftycubits, and the height of it thirty cubits."

The ark was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. Give the dimensions of the ark in feet.
20 feet above the highest mountain! WOWZAAAA
How high did the waters rise?

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