Emoji Movies | That made me laugh | Balls | Quidditch | I’m pretty sure you know what this category is |
What is spider man
Who is Hitler
Ruler of Nazi Germany
What are eyeballs
The things you use to see
What is a seaker
Name of the position that tries to get the snitch
What is the outfield
The new position Nikolas’s is now trying out for at benet
What is The Lord of the Rings
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What is Slavery
The thing Abraham Lincoln Abolished
What is a basketball
When someone says “pass me the rock” they’re referring to this ball.
What are Beaters
The position that has bats that are used to hit the bludger.
What is Mr Submarine
Nikolas can’t eat at this fast food establishment because the sandwiches are horrid
What is It
Who is Derek Chauvin
The police officer who killed George Floyd
What is a football
This ball is called a pigskin
What is a Quaffle
This ball is used to score 10 points if scored
What is 101
Nikolas’s grade in Geometry
What is the Hulk
What are Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Two cities that were bombed by America in WWII
What is 108
Exact number of stitches on a baseball
What is Keeper
When Ron Weasley played quidditch, he played this position.
What is Norte Dame
Nikolas is playing for this church in basketball
What is Forest Gump
Who is Robert O’Neill
Navy Seal who shot and killed Osama bin Laden
What is a pallino
The name of the tiny white ball you throw to start a game of bocce ball
What is Bulgaria and Ireland
The two teams that played in the Quidditch World Cup in Harry Potter the Goblet of Fire
What is Dabo/Deebo
Nikolas’s new nickname at benet. It’s used more than his actual name