The Burg | The Four W's | There is Room in Here | Food for Thought | SRS For the Win |
French Hound
Red Fox Inn Goodstone Inn Common Grounds Red Horse Tavern
What is a dining option in Middleburg?
Owner and CEO of Salamander Resort and Hotels
Who is Dr. Sheila Johnson?
168 Rooms
How many rooms are there at Salamander Resort and Spa?
How many on property restaurants are there?
Aspen, Snowy, Whiskey, Patrick, Stryker, Stella, Flea, Gent, Basil, Chief, and Odin
Name one of the Equine Service Professionals
Alexandria & Winchester
Middleburg is located in the middle of which cities?
When does the spa close on Sundays?
17 Suites
How many suites are there at Salamander Resort and Spa?
Harrimans and Gold Cup
Name the restaurants on property.
What time does the fitness center open everyday?
When was Middleburg Established?
Neighboring Towns
Waterford, Aldie, Upperville, Hamilton, Bluemont, The Plains, Middleburg (I, II, III), Marshall
What are the banquet rooms named after and can you name 3?
Each is a different Season.
Bonus 100!: Name one season and correct floor number
Each Floor’s Decor is described as what?
Contemporary Virginia Piedmont
What Type of fine dining is served in Harriman’s?
How many stalls are in the Equestrian Center?
Colonel Powell
Who founded Middleburg?
Creighton Farms
Where can guests play golf?
What Room Type are the first floors called?
BEO (Banquet Event Order)
What are the two forms of communication used for group events and banquets?
Vitality Pool
What is the pool called inside the Spa?
How Many Traffic Signals are in Middleburg?
Bruce Sunlun
Who had the code name Salamander?
Blue Ribbon Grand Prix Owner
What are the names of the different suite types?
Mrs. Johnson bought the land from the Harrimans estate, which Salamander is built on.
Why is our fine dining restaurant named Harrimans?
Well-Being Massage
What is the name of the signature massage in the Spa?