NH Land Use | Housing | Wetlands and Environment | Roads of NH | NH Planning Resources |
What is is a Master Plan
This municipal document contains a community vision and area data to set strategic goals and actions
What is Area Median Income
AMI is the acronym for this common housing metric
What is a Wetland
This is the name for an area that is inundated or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal conditions does support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions
What is 6 — Interstates, Turnpikes, and Divided Highways; Statewide Corridors; Regional Transportation Corridors; Local Connectors; Local Roads; Off Network
New Hampshire has how many road tiers
What are Regional Planning Commissions (RPCs)
RSA Title III Chapter 36 establishes this type of agency for coordinating development. NH has 9 of these
What are Zoning Ordinances
This municipal regulation manages the following purposes:
—Lessen congestion in the streets; —Secure safety from fires, panic and other dangers; —Promote health and the general welfare; —Facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, solid waste facilities, water, sewerage, schools, parks, child day care; —Assure proper use of natural resources and other public requirements; —Encourage the installation and use of solar, wind, or other renewable energy systems —More |
What is 60%
Rental workforce housing has this maximum AMI percentage calculated for a three-person household in the county
What is
—ecological integrity, —wetland-dependent wildlife habitat, —fish and aquatic life habitat, —scenic quality, —educational potential, —wetland-based recreation, —flood storage, —groundwater recharge, —sediment trapping, —nutrient trapping/retention/transformation, —shoreline anchoring, —or noteworthiness.
These are 2 of the 12 primary wetland functions
What is RSA 674:41
This RSA chapter and section define the street access conditions necessary to issue a building permit
What is Office of Strategic Initiatives / Office of Planning and Development
This statewide office supports planning initiatives
What is a Subdivision Regulation
This is a municipal ordinance mandating a review of a proposed division of land into separate lots for resale against pre-determined standards
What is the number of dwelling units in a building
Single and multi-family homes are different due to this factor
What is a Permit
This is required to excavate, remove, fill, dredge, or construct any structures in or on any bank, flat, marsh, or swamp in and adjacent to any waters of the state
What is a Right-of-Way (ROW)
This is the formal name for the land beneath and surrounding a constructed road
What is the New Hampshire Municipal Association (NHMA)
This organization was founded in 1941 and seeks to promote effective municipal government by providing education, training, advocacy and legal services
What are Planning and Zoning Enabling Laws
• These statutes enable municipalities in New Hampshire to form planning commissions; prepare, adopt, and amend comprehensive plans; and enact zoning regulations. Individual sections address the duties of planning commissions, the requirements of the comprehensive plan, requirements of zoning regulations, and powers granted to regulate subdivisions.
What is a Homeowner’s Association (HOA)
This type of group manages assets that are not municipally owned
What is the NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES)
This NH department seeks to sustain a high quality of life for all citizens by protecting and restoring the environment and public health
What is ‘Complete Streets’
This is a planning concept to ensure equal rights and safety to all users of the transportation network regardless of age, ability, and travel mode choice
What is the UNH Cooperative Extension
This organization associated with NH’s largest college offers trusted knowledge, practical education, and cooperative solutions
What are Innovative Land Use Controls
These may include, but are not limited to:
—Phased development, —Intensity and use incentive; —Cluster development; —Impact zoning; —Performance standards; —Flexible and discretionary zoning; —Environmental characteristics zoning; —Inclusionary zoning; |
What is the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8)
Through this program, a qualified household pays a portion of their adjusted income toward rent and utilities, and New Hampshire Housing pays the remainder directly to the landlord. Applicants to this program must have incomes below 30% of area median income
What is a Conservation Commission
Municipalities can establish this entity to oversee the proper utilization and protection of the natural resources and for the protection of watershed resources of said city or town as outlined in Title III Chapter 36
What is A Hard Road to Travel
This 242-page publication is a wealth of information on NH’s local highway, street, and trail law. The publication shares a name with a song by Jimmy Cliff
What is NH Granit
This is the clearinghouse for NH’s geospatial data