The Foundation of Facebook | Barack Obama's First Election | 9/11 | Pluto Becomes a Dwarf Planet |
Mark Zuckerberg
Who is the creator of Facebook?
The 44th president
What number president was Obama on his first term?
Al-Qaeda, an Islamic terrorist group.
What terrorist group attacked the United States on this day?
The International Astronomical Union in Paris, France.
Where was the decision of Pluto becoming a dwarf planet made?
February 4, 2004
On what date was Facebook created?
John McCain
Who was Obama going against in the election of 2008?
The Twin Towers (North and South Towers) of the World Trade Center, the hub of the Financial District, in Manhattan and the Pentgon which held the Department of Defense in Washington D.C.
What tourist attractions were affected by the attack and where?
August 24, 2006
When was the decision of Pluto becoming a dwarf planet made?
Harvard University
What university did the creator of Facebook go to?
January 20, 2009
What date was Obama's first day in office?
Because we were supporting Israel and were involved in the Persian Gulf War.
Why did the terrorists attack our country?
What planet is Pluto closest to?
The initial purpose of Facebook was for the students within the university it was cretaed at to connect with eachother through education-related groups.
What was Facebook's main purpose before it spread around the world?
November 4, 2008
At what date did Obama get elected?
About 3,000 people died from the attack.
About how many people died from the attack?
Because Pluto was not gravitationally dominant unlike the other eight planets.
Why did Pluto not fit all the criteria for being an actual planet?
Facemash and Hot or Not
What are two of the websites that the creator of Facebook made before Facebook?
52.9% while his rival got 45.7%
What percentage of votes did Obama win over his "rival" in the 2008 election?
19 of the Al-Qaeda terrorists moved to the U.S. to go to flight school to train for the well planned attack. A year later, they all took four planes headed towards California. On the way, they hijaked the planes and three of the four planes made it to the
How did the terrorists get a hold of the planes?
It is in orbit around the Sun,
It has sufficient mass to assume hydrostatic equilibrium (a nearly round shape), It has "cleared the neighborhood" around its orbit.
What are the three criteria, according to the IAU, that a land mass has to fit to become a planet?