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What is October 23rd, 1897
Kappa Delta was founded on this day.
Ta Kala Diokomen. "Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful and highest."
This is the Open Motto, in both Latin and English
What is the white rose
This is Kappa Delta's flower
What is a lifetime
This is how long Kappa Delta membership is for
What are Girl Scouts of the USA and Prevent Child Abuse America
These are KD's two national philanthropies
What is State Female Normal School (now Longwood University) in Farmville, Virgina
Kappa Delta was founded at this school in this city.
What is: "Kappa Delta Sorority is committed to providing opportunities and experiences that inspire women to greatness."
This is the Vision of Kappa Delta
What are olive green and pearl white
These are Kappa Delta's colors
What are The Angelos, KD Wesbite, KD Connect, KD Edge, KDHQ facebook and twitter
These are two ways alumnae can stay in touch after graduation
What are American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Research Awards and Children’s Hospital in Richmond, Virginia. AAOS (or Orthopedic Research Awards) and Children’s Hospital in Richmond, Virginia
These are KD's two historical philanthropies
What is May 5th, 1917
The Omega Chi chapter of Kappa Delta was founded on this day.
What is: "The purpose of Kappa Delta Sorority is to promote true friendship among the college girls of our country by inculcating into their hearts and lives those principles of truth, of honor, of duty, without which there can be no true friendship."
This is the Purpose of Kappa Delta
What are the diamond, the emerald, and the pearl
These are Kappa Delta's jewels
What is 3205 Players Lane, Memphis, TN 38125
If you wanted to travel to KD National Headquarters, this would be the address in your GPS.
What is Shamrock
This is the big event that we do in the fall to raise money for PCAA
What is 30th
Out of the 159 active Kappa Delta chapters nationwide, this is the number of Omega Chi? (Based on the order in which we were founded)
What is: "The Object of Kappa Delta Sorority is the formation and perpetuation of good fellowship, friendship and sisterly love; the encouragement of literature and education; the promotion of social interest; and the furtherance of charitable and benevol
This is the Object of Kappa Delta
What are the nautilus shell, dagger, and diamond shape.
These are Kappa Delta's 3 symbols
What is 4 times
The Angelos is published this many times per year
What is the "You Make Me Smile" campaign of the Confidence Coalition
KD brings confidence to the Cornell campus every year in the fall by writing messages on balloons for this campaign.
Who are Lenora Asmore Blackiston, Mary Sommerville Sparks Hendrick, Julia Gardiner Tyler Wilson, and Sarah Turner White
These are the four founding women of Kappa Delta (full names including maiden)
What is: "May We, Sisters in Kappa Delta, strive each day to seek more earnestly the honorable and beautiful things.
May We each day through love of those within our circle, Learn to know and understand better those without our circle. May the diamond shi
This is the Creed
What is the teddy bear
This is Kappa Delta's mascot
Personal presence, Attitude, Communication, and Enlarging our world
This is what the letters in PACE stand for
What is Confidence
All of KD's national programs and initiatives are linked to this idea.