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What is tolerance?
The acceptance of different ways of thinking and believing.
What is revolt?
To rise up against, to rebel.
What is an abolitionist?
A person who believed that slavery is wrong and should end.
What is Jersey?
Where Sir George Carteret was originally from.
What is 1,400?
The number of Quakers who had made their homes in West Jersey in 1680.
What is legacy?
Property or cultural ideas or items that have been passed down from an earlier time.
What is a conflict?
A disagreement between two or more people in a group.
What is a treaty?
A formal agreement between two or more people or groups.
What are Quakers?
A group of people who came to New Jersey for religious freedom.
What is Perth Amboy?
The capital city of East Jersey
What is proprietorship?
A large land grant from a ruler to an individual.
What is voyage?
A long journey.
What is to convert?
To convince people to change from their religion and follow another one.
Who is the Duke of York?
Gave Sir George Carteret the proprietorship that is now New Jersey.
What is Burlington?
The capital city of West Jersey
What is a colony?
A settlement far from the country that rules it.
What is an artifact?
An object made by humans, usually from the past.
What is persecution?
Cruel treatment aimed at a particular group of people.
What is homeland.
What colonists often name towns and cities in the colonies after.
What is 1676?
The year New Jersey was divided into East and West.
What is wampum?
The shell beads used as a kind of money by some early Native American groups in Eastern North America
What is surplus?
An amount that is more than what is needed.
What is an archaeologist?
A scientist who studies objects and structures left by humans from the past.
What is Amboy?
Capital city name taken from the Lenape language.
What is 1702?
The year East and West Jersey were joined together into a royal colony.