location/states | Jobs and education | Climate, land, Religion | resources | Games |
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island
Name a colony in the New England Region
Forge metals to make items
What does a blacksmith do
did they have religious freedom
trees, cash crops, and fur
Name a resource that can be found in forests
Lacrosse, baseball, darts, toboggan, tag, tops, marbles, hopscotch, and blind man's buff
Name a game that kids played in the New England region which is still played today
What is the biggest colony in the New England Region
reading, writing, and spelling
What subject could both girls and boys learn
what was the main religion there
fish and whales
Name a resource that can be found in a body of water
toboggan and snow snake
Name a game that is played in the winter
Rhode Island
what is the smallest colony in New England Region
fishing, fishmonger, or whaling
What are two jobs that involve fish
you get 300 free points/ you don't get 300 free points
do you want 300 free points
Copper ore and iron ore
Name a resource that is a metal
Baseball, Lacrosse, and tag
Name a game that is played with a field
...But you also get free Shrek Chicken! :-D :-D :)
Sorry, you lose 400 points, and other team wins 400 free points!!!
Latin, math, reading, writing, spelling, and Christian faith
What did boys learn
rocky soil
what type of soil was there
cash crops
Name a resource found in farms
Baseball, Lacrosse, and Marbles
Name a game that is played with a ball
What is the second smallest colony in the New England region
they sell fish
What does a fishmonger do
woody forests
what type of forests were there
500 free coming your way!
3 or more
How many players do you need for blind mans buff