History, Founders & Leaders | The Sects | Doctrinal Beliefs and Worldview | Members and their demographics | Persecution & Tolerance of Evangelicals |
Has Disney incorporated any new age philosophies in any of their films?
What is the belief that god is everything and everything is god?
What is Pantheism
God is in everything
We are all gods We are therefore like God |
The movement is strongly gendered towards women; sociologist Ciara O'Connor argues that it shows a tension between commodification and women's empowerment.
Are there more women or men in New Age?
No, but there are certainly different attacks.
Is there a present physical persecution movement going on against Christianity?
Native Americans and Asia both have roots of reincarnation beliefs, without having interacted.
Who founded reincarnation?
What sect follows the belief 'what goes around comes around?'
What is Reincarnationism
You shall surely not die, but come back in another life.
We make this cycle 50-100 times. |
The New Age movement is generally well-educated.
Are most New Age followers educated?
Many video games and movies incorporate new age. Star Wars (one with the force). Avatar protects aywah. Disney movie Pocahontas incorporates elements.
What are some of the ways New Age Beliefs undermine Christian thinking in society?
Did Native Americans believe in reincarnation?
Is Ecological responsibility a major part of the New Age movement?
What is Relativism
God is both good and evil.
You determine your own morals |
The New Age movement is generally relatively affluent.
Are most New Age followers rich?
The Luciferians want to purge the world of Christians
Which sect of New Age thinking wants to violently cleanse the world of Christians?
There isn't a distinct human leader, but Satan is ultimately behind this false religion.
True or False: There is a distinct leader for the New age movement as a whole
Is the "New Age" really new?
What is Esotericism
The thought that I have all the knowledge I need now.
You base your decisions on your feelings and nothing else. |
New Age
Which religion has more followers in the US? New Age or Evangelical Christianity?
The movement started in England in the 1960's where many elements from Astrology, Channeling, Hinduism, Gnostic traditions, Spiritualism, Taoism, Theosophy, Wicca and other Neo-pagan traditions were blended.
When and where did New Age start?
What is behaviorism?
If it works or pleases you, just do it!
68 million Americans
How many New Ager's are there in the US?
Get within 10 million to be correct. |