ICP | Parkinson's | Meningitis | MS | Myasthenia Gravis |
False- The body will try to compensate as long as possible, therefore VS changes are not an early sign of ICP- Notes
True or False, Changes is VS is an early sign of ICP.
What is Dopamine
Severe Deficit of this neurtransmitter is blamed for Parkinson's disease symptoms?
What is virus or bacteria
In order to treat Meningitis, it must be determined if it was caused by one of these
What is the myelin sheath
MS attacks this protective coating that insulates our nerves
What is Tensilon
This drug aids in the diagnosis of MG
What is change in the LOC
The earliest sign of ICP is usually this?
What is Bradykinesia
This is considered the "hallmark" symptom of Parkinson's disease
What is nuchal rigidity
This is considered a "hallmark" symptom of Meningitis
What is Zanaflex
This muscle relaxant helps treat MS but helping to control the spasticity of the motor neuron
What is Myestenic Crisis
Condition of sever exacerbation that leads to compromised function
What is 7- Notes
Anything below this number on Glasgow's Coma scale is considered Comatose?
What is Sinemet (Carbidopa-Levadopa)
This medication is considered the most common treatment for Parkinson's and acts by converting itself into Dopamine when it enters the Basil Ganglia
What is Vancomycin (Page 353)
Resistant strands of bacterial Meningitis are most commonly treated with this antibiotic
What is diploplia or double vision
Many MS patient's experience this alteration to their vision that is treated by patching one eye q 2hr
What is Predinisone
Common corticosteroid that helps to supress the immune system and relieve the symptoms of MG
What is fixed and dilated
As the pressure in the head increases, the patient's pupils will become this on assesment
What is dyskinesia
Adverse side effect to levodopa that causes extreme uncontrolled involuntary movement
What is Kerning's sign
A nurse that suspects Meningitis for a patient might elevate the pt's thigh to his chest to test for pain in the hamstring muscle; this maneuver is also called
What is Rest. Pt's with MS fight Fatigue daily
Nursing Interventions need to allow frequent time for especially during periods of exacerbation
What is Atropine Sulfate
Patient's that receive too many Anticholinergic drugs to treat the symptoms of MG may experience Cholinergic Crisis. Cholonergic Crisis is treated with this drug given IV
What is 15
Any number above this number is considered elevated ICP
What is independence (page 351)
Nursing Interventions need to be centered around promoting this for the patient by increasing their mobility and maintaining nutritional function
What is seizures
High fevers caused by both bacterial or viral meningitis put a patient at high risk for this
True. According to MS Society the criteria for MS DX is 2 areas of damage on a CT/MRI that occured at least one month apart and the exhaustion of every other DX.
True or False- There is no definite diagnostic test to confirm MS
What is Respiratory
Priority Nursing Interventions need to be focused on preventing which complications? Thing ABC's