The Mighty Brain | Neurons | Remember This? | Know your senses | Your evolving brain |
What is a sulcus?
Folds in the brain.
What is a neuron or glial cell?
The two cell types in the brain.
Who is Patient H.M.
This person had his temporal lobes removed, and could not longer form new explicit memories.
What is the occipital lobe?
The lobe in the brain that processes visual information.
What is the cranium?
The brain case
What are the central and peripheral nervous systems?
The two main divisions of the nervous system.
What is a dendrite?
The part of the neuron that brings information to the cell body.
What is the Hippocampus?
A structure in the brain named after its resemblance to a seahorse.
What is the temporal lobe?
The lobe in the brain that processes auditory information.
What are lissencephalic brains?
Brains that do not have gyri.
What is the corpus callosum?
Connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
What is an axon?
The part of the neuron that takes information away from the cell body.
What is the temporal lobe?
The lobe in the brain that contains the hippocampus.
What is the thalamus?
The relay center for all sensory input in the brain.
What is the neocortex OR cerebral cortex?
The most recently evolved part of the brain.
What is the cerebellum?
The region of the brain that contains the most number of neurons.
What is a synapse?
The junction between two neurons.
What is explicit (or declarative) memory?
A form of memory that describes memory of names, places, and events.
What are mechanoreceptors?
A category of sensory receptors that are sensitive to pressure or movement.
What is the brain stem?
The 'oldest part' of the brain.
What is the substantia nigra?
A structure in the brain containing neurons that produce a black pigment.
What is an action potential?
The explosion of electrical activity sent down an axon when a neuron is “firing”.
What is working memory?
A form of memory that is stored in short-term memory systems.
What is synesthesia?
A form of sensory experience in which information is simultaneously processed by different sensory regions of the brain overlap OR seeing tastes.
What is an elephant?
The species with the largest brain on Earth