Miscellaneous | ||||
What is a pronoun
Used in place of nouns
What is Description
Details that give sight, sounds, and smells
What is a Base Word
The original word to which prefixes and suffixes may be added
What is an Adjective
Describes a noun or pronoun
What is a Heading or Subheading
The title for a paragraph, section, or page
What is a Theme
The major idea of an entire narrative piece
What is 3rd Person Limited
Author writes about the thoughts and feelings of only one character
What is a Root Word
The basic part of a word that is left when all the affixers are removed. It cannot stand alone as a word.
What is a Possessive
Word that shows ownership
What is a Biography
The story of someone’s life told by someone else
What are Font Styles
The design and size of the typing in a text including bold and italic.
What is Author's Perspective
The way the author sees a situation or the facts.
What is a Plot
Events in a story, usually with a problem and solution
What is a Suffix
An ending added to a word to change the meaning
What is a Setting
The time and place of a story
What are Categories
A group of words that are grouped together because of common characteristics or meanings
What are Homonyms
Words that sound alike and sometimes have the same spelling but have totally different meanings
(like horse and hoarse) |
What is Alliteration
A poetic sound created by using several words that begin with the same consonant sounds
What is a Caption
A short description about a picture
What is 2nd Person
The author is writing to someone else (you)
What is an Opinion
An author tells how someone thinks or feels and can’t be proven true or false.
What is Compare/Contrast
Showing how things are alike and how they are different--Venn Diagram is often used
What is Imagery
Words that make pictures in your imagination (e.g., metaphors, similes, personification)
What is a Character
One of the people in a book or story.
What is Author's Purpose
The reason the author wrote the passage