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Neh 4:3 - Tobiah the Ammonite said that even a fox would break their wall down if it were to walk on top of it.
Within the scope of Ezra/Nehemiah, what might be the significance of so many people walking on top of the wall?
To prepare themselves for worshipping in God's presence.
Why do you think the priests purified the walls and gates in addition to themselves and the people?
Yes and no.
Does God fulfill the Abrahamic Covenant? How so, or how not? Biblical Evidence?
Disposal of said dung and other unclean matter to be burned in the Hinnom Valley.
What was the purpose of the Dung Gate?
Asaph who wrote Psalms 50, 73-83. He was also the worship leader at the dedication of Solomon's temple. - 2 Chron 5:12
Zechariah in 12:35 traces his lineage back to whom? Significance?
Davidic - Yes
Levitical - Yes and no - Hebrews 8
Does God fulfill the Davidic Covenant and its associated Levitical Covenant? How so, or how not? Biblical Evidence?
1) Ezra 3:13 & 6:16 - Celebration after the completion of temple. 2) Nehemiah 8:9-12, 17 - Celebration of renewed commitment to the Law of Moses.
Name two other instances in Ezra/Neh where the people celebrated as they are here in Neh 12.
God's Covenantal Relationship with Israel.
What did the wall in addition to the temple that had already been completed symbolize to the people of Israel?
John 4 - in Spirit and Truth
Rom 12 - offer your bodies as living sacrifices others...
Name some ways the NT describes worship for the believer.
The first two involved weeping along with celebration. This one only records celebration.
Compare and contrast the two previous celebrations with the one found in Neh 12. Similarities? Differences?
Gen 15 - Abrahamic Covenant.
2 Sam 7:12-17 - Davidic Covenant...which was expanded upon in Jeremiah 33:19ff
What two covenants did God make with Israel that are completely dependent upon him?
Jesus washing the disciples' feet.
Matt 5 1 Cor 12
Where do we find the idea of servanthood in the NT akin to that of Malkijah son of Recab, who rebuilt the Dung Gate?
Neh 2:13ff - Nehemiah started his inspection of the gate on his first night at the Valley Gate.
Within the Context of Nehemiah, what might be the significance of the worship procession starting at the Valley Gate?
Nehemiah 13
Did Israel live happily ever after in communion with God and worship him as they are here in Neh 12? Why or why not? OT references?
Too many to list!
What reason do we have to celebrate as believers.