MSVP AT&T Next ToBR/Enrollment Fraud New Service Orders
Yes. Customers who have a tablet on an SBP are able to migrate to any Mobile Share Value plan.
Can an existing customer with a tablet on a Session-Based Pricing (SBP) plan migrate to a Mobile Share Value plan?
Qualified consumer/IRU customers may finance up to four devices total. Up to two of the total financed devices can be tablets. Qualified Small Business CRU customers can finance up to 10 total devices with any combination of smartphones and tablets.
What are the line limits for AT&T Next?
Only if the final receiving account owner is already on the phone with the person authorized on the note and the final account owner can fully verify the existing account or pass credit validation for new account setup.
Can the person listed in the authorization note allow another person to take ownership of the line?
False: Only members of the Fraud Department can confirm fraud and have authorization to cancel, suspend, or reinstate an account for fraud.
True or False: If you suspect fraud you should cancel the account immediately.
No, because OPUS (system used by retail) does not have the ability to activate a reserved mobile number.
Can a customer reserve a number through NBO and then go to a COR store later to purchase equipment?
No. Like original Mobile Share plans, Mobile Share Value plans do not require the attachment of a smartphone on the account.
Do Mobile Share Value plans require a smartphone on the account?
Consumer/IRU customer escalations for a BRE return outside of the 14-day window can only be performed at a COR store.
Can customers make a return outside of the 14-day BRE period?
Yes. Process the ToBR first, then start the porting process.
A customer calls to complete a ToBR from his company's CRU account and port out to another carrier. Should a ToBR be completed prior to the new customer porting out?
Do not tell the customer if they fail validations. Note the account and then send the customer to the store to process their transaction.
What is the process when a customer fails the PIN Validation process?
No. New accounts for IRU sponsorship customers must either be completed via Premier or at a COR location.
Does NBO create new accounts for IRU sponsorship customers as part of a New Service Order request?
Customers on an original Mobile Share plan are able to move to the new Mobile Share Value plans at any time to take advantage of the No Annual Service Contract option pricing.
If an existing customer on an original Mobile Share plan with AT&T Next wants to move to the new Mobile Share Value plans, are they able to do so or do they need to wait until they are upgrade-eligible?
Yes. The customer must choose a No Annual Service contract for their phone, such as AT&T Next, or pay full price in order to keep the discount. Customers who choose another two-year agreement, receive a one-time device discount.
If a customer on a two-year contract with a Mobile Share Value savings discount wants to upgrade, will they lose their discount?
Process the ToBR for the line the caller wants to take over and inquire as to what the intent is for the other line. If they do not plan to assume responsibility for the remaining line, you need to transfer the caller to BEUC to have the line cancelled.
After a ToBR, one line is left on the current account where the account holder is deceased; what should I do?
False: The customer has two chances to pass the validation; each time, you must create a new PIN.
True or False: he customer has 5 chances to pass the PIN Validation.
False: Transfer tentative accounts created by DMDR, VSC, or Premier back to these channels to complete the transaction.
True or False: NBO TPros are able to add new lines to tentative accounts created by DMDR, VSC, or Premier.
No. Currently only standalone disability plans are available.
Are the Mobile Share Value plans available for disability customers?
Is FAN discounting available on the no-commitment device price with AT&T Next?
There is no account tenure requirement to process an enrollment. The line can be enrolled at any time after the activation date (including after any recent ToBR transactions).
Does the two-month active rule apply to enrollments?
False: The Fraud Call Out Process should be your first step of action.
True or False: You suspect fraud on an account. Your first step is to submit a Fraud > Equipment Fraud Referral Clarify case.
No, only the account holder can add existing lines of service.
Are retail authorized users (RAUs) able to add lines to existing IRU accounts?
False: 300MB plans are not eligible for the FAN discount.
True or False: 300MB plans are eligible for the FAN discount.
AT&T Next devices purchased from a National Retail/Local Dealer location must be exchanged/returned to the original purchase location. Customers have 14 calendar days to return or exchange an AT&T Next device.
If a device on an AT&T Next installment plan is purchased at a National Retail/Local Dealer location, where can it be returned?
True or False: The ToBR Authorization SOC if associated to a GBS CRU end-user's mobile number is the only authorization required to proceed with the ToBR.
The customer received the SIM from AT&T; verified in OrderTrack
What is the only we can process a SIM swap for a customer without placing an outbound call to verify they are actually requesting the change?
True or False: Premier does not support COAM activations for IRU sponsorships online

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