Balancing School and Personal Life | Balancing School and Work | ACU Resources | TRIO Trivia | Oh Dear Christian College |
(Ambassadors will determine the score)
You have an exam at 8 am tomorrow morning, but your friends invite you to hang out and play video games tonight. What do you do?
(Ambassadors will determine the score)
You work every night Monday-Friday from 5-8 pm. This leaves you time to study for your 8 am classes every night after work. You have a test tomorrow, but your boss suddenly asked you if you could work until 11 pm. What do you do?
Where can you go if you're feeling physically ill?
Student Support Services
What does "SSS" stand for?
Willie the Wildcat
What is our mascot's name?
(Ambassadors will determine the score)
Your mom calls you every day. You enjoy talking to her, but she sometimes talks for hours and you know you have a lot of homework to complete. What do you do?
(Ambassadors will determine the score)
You regularly work 8-hour shifts on Saturdays and Sundays. You have a big midterm coming up and you haven't studied for it yet. What do you do?
Writing Center
Where can you go to get help on your annotated bibliography?
Students that meet any of the following:
- first-generation - low income - recorded disabilities
Who does TRIO serve?
When was ACU founded?
(Ambassadors will determine the score)
You and your friends decide to make a study group, but some of your friends start inviting people that aren't in your class and it seems to be distracting people. What do you do?
(Ambassadors will determine the score)
You work every day from 3-6 pm and you love your job, so you've decided to take on some extra shifts. Your grades are starting to go down, but you don't want your boss to think you're not committed to work. What do you do?
Career Center
Where can you go to practice a professional interview?
Director: Jordan Jones
Success Coaches: Mariesha Shaw and Carolina Rodriguez
Who are the success coaches and director of TRIO at ACU?
"Oh Dear Christian College"
What is our alma mater?
(Ambassadors will determine the score)
You want to become more involved around campus. You join two different organizations and keep up with TRIO meetings and events regularly. Your grades are starting to drop some, though. What do you do?
(Ambassadors will determine the score)
You work every day from 4-9pm because this is the only time you're available with school. You show up early every shift and get all of your objectives done each night. Your boss recently hired someone new and asks you about changing your shift to a different time since that is the only time they can train your new coworker. What do you do?
Who can help you if you have to suddenly miss class for an emergency and don't have time to talk to your professor in advance?
Lead Ambassador: Mada Samb
Student Ambassadors: Samantha Moreno, Bryanda Mauricio, & Jaia Ramirez.
Who are the student ambassadors and lead ambassador of the Terrific TRiO Family?
Sing Song
What is one of ACU's most popular traditions in the Spring semester that you can get involved in?
(Ambassadors will determine the score)
Your roommate seems to be having a lot of personal problems. You stay up with them late at night while they're having personal problems, but this is happening frequently and you haven't been getting much sleep because of it. What do you do?
(Ambassadors will determine the score)
You work 5 hours a day, 6 days a week every week. You're getting into a more difficult time in the semester, so you decide to ask your boss to cut back on your hours. Unfortunately, your boss turns you down. What do you do?
Where can you go if you need testing help/accommodations?
Mami Leanna - Brianna Jaquez Goal Diggers - Emily Puente Terrific Trio - Mada Samb
How many families are there in TRIO at ACU?
(Bonus points if you can name all the families AND their lead ambassadors!) |
Purple Friday
What is every Friday at ACU known as?