פרק א(defeat and amalek) | פרק ג (Avner and Yoav) | פרק ד(three stories) | פרק ה (David’s capital) | BONUS SECTION |
A Naar and an Amalek
What was the man that told David the news called?
Includes: Avner wants to make a truce with David but David makes a condition that he gets Michal back, Yoav doesn’t want to make a truce with Avner, Yoav kills Avner, and Yoav gets cursed (add 100 every point said)
25 SECOND TIMER: Summarize the perek
Bnei Ramon. Bannah and רacha
What was the first story(Bnei…)?
7 1/2 years
How long did David rule over Shivtei Yehudah for?
Avner stabbed him with the backside of a spear
How did Asahel die?
Dirt on the head and clothes ripped
What are the symbols of mourning?
In the fifth rib
Where did Avner get stabbed?
There is no leadership in Shivtei Yisrael
What was the second story(There is no…)?
70 years
How old was David when he died?
The Amalek murdered Shaul and he was punished with death, Yoav murdered Avner and he was punished with curses, Bnei Ramon murdered Ish Boshet and there arms and legs were cut off then they were hanged
From פרק ד who MURDERED who and what was there punishment?
Har Hagilboa
Where does the war take place?
Becuase Avner was losing the war
Why did Avner want to make a truce with David?
Yonatan’s son, Maphiboshet
What was the third story(Perek 9)?
33 years
How long did David rule in Yerushaliyim for?
Yoav thought he was an avenger but Asahel died in war, not murdered
What did Yoav think he was and why did he think wrong?
Yonatan, Avinadav, and Malchishua
What are the names of Shauls three sons?
Avner came to deceive you and he killed Asahel
According to Yoav why did Avner come? (Reasons he said and didn’t)
David cuts off there arms and legs
What does David do with Bnei Ramon (the first thing)?
40 years but if we do the math ourselves its 40 1/2
How long in total did David rule for and what problem do we find?
David goes to the funeral and walks behind the coffins, he writes a kinah, and he fasts
What does David do when Avner dies?
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance
TRIPLE POINTS: What are the 5 stages of grief? (Name 4/5)
David will save you from the plishtim, hashem chose him, and you wanted him to be the king all along
What did Avner say to the Zikanim?
David tells the story of the Amalek to Bnei Ramon’s dead bodies then he buries Ish Boshet’s head
DOUBLE POINTS: What does David do after he hangs Bnei Ramon?
It was a good place because of its geographical location, political, it was a historic place, and religion.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Why did David chose his capital city to be Yerushaliyim?
The Amalek tells the story, The Amalek brings proof, Shaul is leaning on his spear, the chariots and horsemen from teh Plishtim surround Shaul, The Amalek kills Shaul, David kills the Amalek
THE ULTIMATE QUESTION: Name ALL the difference between the 2 stories about the war from the point of view in Shmuel Bet (you don’t lose points if you answer wrong)