בקשר מה למדנו | מנין לנו | Questions | What would רמבן and רמבם say | BIZZZ |
This refers to the days of משיח
"והיה באחרית הימים"
בראש ההרים
The most important mountain
סיני, כרמל, תבור
What are the three mountains it talks about, when it says the miracle will be bigger than what happens of 3 mountains?
דבורה won the war with סיסרה
What miracle happened on הר תבור
The גויים will convert
"ונלכה בארחתיו"
חרבותם לאתים וחניתותיהם למזמרות
They will turn the weapons into agricultural tools
Yaakov was the only one who had only jewish kids, and this is what a jewish house is
Why does it say "to the house of Yaakov" and not any of the other avot?
in times of משיח we will all be vegetarians like we were in ברית העולם
What does רמבן say: the times of משיח domesticated animals will dwell with wild animals, they will graze together and their children will lie together, and they will eat hay together
on the isaiah wall by the UN
חרבותם לאתים וחניתותיהם למזמרות- where else does this pasuk show up?
This is talking about משיח
"ויצא חטר מגגזע ישי"
וגר זאב עם כבש
A sheep will dwell with a wolf
חכמה, בינה, עצה, גבורה, רוח דעת ויראת ה'
What qualities will משיח have?
Hashem will literally split the water into 7 pathways
What does רמבן say: Hashem will split the waters into 7 pathways
the ability to speak with others
what does the character trait עצה mean?
משיח's qualities will be from Hashem
"'ונחה עליו רוח ה"
עולם כמנהגו נוהג
life is not going to change in the times of משיח
This is the second time everyone is coming out
why does it say Hashem will stretch out His hand a second time and not third?
it will be easy for bnei yisroel to come to eretz yisroel in the time of משיח
What does רמבם say: Hashem will split the waters into 7 pathways
שם המפרש
The ability to curse
The animals will not attack only in Eretz Yisroel
"לא ירעו ולא ישחיתו בכל הר קדשי"
a person is obligated to bless Hashem when something bad happens, the same way he blesses Hashem when something good happens
חייב אדם לברך על הרע כשם שמברך על הטוב
7- because there are 7 continents that the jews will come from
how many pathways will Hashem split the water and why?
all over the world lion and sheep will not live in peace, only in eretz yisroel
What does רמבם say: the times of משיח domesticated animals will dwell with wild animals, they will graze together and their children will lie together, and they will eat hay together
he will have a job similar to שאול- to kill עמלק, but unlike שאול, he will finish his job
what is the job of משיח בן יוסף? and who is this job similar to?