Natural Resources Alternative energy miscellaneous Soil Water
What is consumption?
Using a resource without limits--possibly using using a resource up completely.
What is alternative energy?
describes energy sources that are still in development and are RENEWABLE.
What is soil erosion?
The process by which soil is moved
What is bed rock?
the lowest layer of soil. It is a solid rock layer.
What is evaporation?
is the conversion of water from liquid to gas form by the exposure to heat.
What is conservation?
To use or manage a resource wisely, to allow use but still keep resource going.
What is solar energy?
Energy that is produced from the sun
What is heartwood?
composes most of the trunk and
is made up of dead xylem cells. Like the
backbone that supports the tree.
What is top soil?
It is made mostly of minerals, and most plant roots live here. This layer is also dark in color due to the amount of decaying plant and animal matter.
What is transpiration?
is the process of plants releasing water from their leaves.
What is preservation?
To maintain a resource in an untouched state for continued survival.
What is hydroelectric energy?
Energy that is produced from moving or falling water.
What is tidal/wave energy?
Energy that is produced when ocean tides or waves change or move across the ocean or sea.
What is humus?
topmost layer of soil. It contains quite a bit of living material, plants, decaying leaves, needles, moss, and more. This layer is thin and very dark in color.
What is water quality?
the condition of water for a particular use.
What is a nonrenewable resource?
A resource that cannot be replaced after being used through natural or human processes.
What is biomass energy?
Energy that comes from materials that were once living, like plants or animal waste.
What is sapwood?
the living
xylem that transports water and nutrients up
from the roots.
What is sub soil?
It is made of sand, silt and clay that have not been broken down all the way, so it usually has less organic material in it. It is also lighter in color.
What is precipitation?
As the vapor droplets become large, rain is formed and falls to the earth’s surface
What is renewable resource?
A resource that can be replenished when used through natural or human processes.
What is geothermal energy?
Energy that comes from heat generated deep inside the earth from items like hot rocks, hot water and steam.
What is cambium layer?
cell layer that produces
new bark (phloem) and new wood (xylem)
every year.
What is parent material?
It is mostly rock that has been slightly weathered. Not many things live down here, except for the biggest tree roots.
What is condensation?
As water vapor rises in the atmosphere, it begins to cool and turn back into water

Natural Resources

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