From the video... Mixed Bag I Random General Mixed Bag II
What is rite of passage?
The common ritual of native traditions shown in the video on Aborigines of Australia, when the young girl was painted in white to symbolize purity and her transition into womanhood.
What is the spirit world?
According to most native religions, this is not separate from (and instead interacts with) reality.
What is preliterate?
This common characteristic of native traditions describes a society or culture that has not developed the use of writing.
What is nature?
Usually respected to the point of being worshiped with animals spoken of as "brothers" and "sisters"
What are rituals?
Actions often repeated in well-known ways that help to give order and meaning to life.
What is Dakota Access?
The name of the pipeline being protested by over 100 tribes from across North America.
What is ignoring/disrespecting the spirits?
Most native religions believe the result of doing this will be to bring disaster upon the people.
What is not uniform in type?
This common characteristic explains why we are unable to describe a specific set of standard characteristics and practices when studying native religions.
What are rite of passage rituals?
Graduations, funerals, and bar/bat mitzvah's are all examples.
What is living in harmony?
Typically, native religions serve to highlight this with the natural world.
What is primal religion?
In class, this two word term was defined by the narrator of the ritual clip as “not available for export”
What is shaman?
Generally describes the member of the community in native traditions who has ability to leave reality to travel into other worlds.
What is stress ritual?
This typical worship practice is relied on for the passing of tradition.
What is win the favor of spirits?
Instead of a system of gods, most native religions focus their daily lives on trying to do this.
What are myths
As a result of being typically preliterate, native religions recounted these while rituals were being performed to pass tradition along.
What is the sacrifice of the chicken?
By doing this the people of the Indonesian village pledged for the purity off their village; acts as almost as going under oath in court.
What is buffalo?
The North American plains indian tribe of the Mandan performed dance rituals meant to ask the great spirit to send this as food.
What is ignore/disrespect spirits?
Explains the stressing of ritual" as doing so may bring disaster.
What is "initiation into adulthood" and "death proceedings/rites"?
The two rituals which are usually of most importance to native religions.
What are rites of passage rituals?
Rituals that mark the transition from one state in life to another
What is particular to specific location/not available for export?
The common characteristic which best explains the speaker's strong connection to the sacred land of her people and requiring her to be there in order to be "spiritually whole"
What is Romania?
During christmas time in this modern day country, locals still participate in a ritual where they dress up as bears in order to ward off evil spirits.
What are personal agents at war?
The way in which native traditions express good and evil forces such as spirits, gods, witches, demons; helps to understand the causes of bad fortune (sickness, death, disease)
What is secular?
Term meaning non-religious and used to describe some modern day rites of passage rituals such as graduation and retirement parties.
What is transitional?
The aspect of a rites of passage ritual which is heavily concentrated on due to it usually being a time full of uncertainty.

Native Traditions

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