Location | Food | Clothing | Climate | Shelter |
Who are the Seminole?
This tribe lived in the southeastern Coastal Plain that is now Florida.
What is corn?
The most common crop grown by the Native Americans.
What are moccasins?
Most of the tribes wore these shoes made out of animal skin.
Who are the Pawnee?
This tribe lived in the region of the United States that had hot summers and cold winters.
What is a chickee?
This tribe lived in an open-sided houses built three feet off the ground so it would not flood and keep wild animals out.
Who are the Hopi?
This tribe lived in the southwest region of the United States.
Who are the Nez Perce?
The women gathered berries, roots, and nuts while the men hunted deer, elk, moose, and buffalo. The men also used spears to fish for salmon.
Who are the Hopi?
This tribe made most of their clothes from cotton?
Who are the Seminole?
This tribe lived in the southeast and had a warm climate.
What is a pueblo?
These houses were built out of adobe which is a brick made from dried mud, straw, and stone.
Who are the Kwakiutl?
This tribe lived in the Pacific Northwest region of North America.
Who are the Inuit?
This tribe ate a lot of fish from the ocean and other animals such as seals, caribou, and rabbits.
Who are the Seminole?
This tribe wore clothes made from animal hides or woven plant material.
Who are the Kwakiutl?
This tribe lived in the northwest where the climate was not too hot or too cold.
What is a plank house or clan house.
These houses were built out of cedar. 30 to 50 people lived in them.
Who are the Inuit?
This tribe lived in the Arctic region of North America.
Who are the Pawnee?
This tribe moved from place to place following the buffalo and also grew corn, beans, and squash.
Who are the Inuit?
This tribe wore clothes made from animal skins. They often used the skin from caribou because it was lightweight and and provided insulation.
Who are the Hopi?
The climate of this tribe was hot and dry with very little rainfall.
What is a teepee?
This type of shelter was made with long poles and animal skins. It was easy to move from one place to another.
Who are the Pawnee?
This tribe lived in the Great Plains.
Who are the Kwakiutl?
This tribe hunted caribou, deer, and rabbits and fished for salmon in the streams and other animals from the sea.
What are animal skins?
The clothes of most of the Native American tribes were made from this resource.
Who are the Inuit?
This tribe lived in an extremely cold climate. Winter lasted most of the year.
What is an igloo?
This shelter made of ice and snow was lived in by the Inuit most of the year.