Eastern Woodlands | Great Plains People | Southwest Desert | Northwest Coast Tribes | All Tribes |
Who are the Iroquois?
They lived in longhouses with sheets of bark. They are known for making wampums.
Who are the Lakota, Pawnee, Crow, Cheyenne, and Siou?
The Great Plains People lived on the Great Plains with hot summers and cold winters. We have 5 TRIBES: (hint: they begin with these letters) L_____, P_____, C____, C_____, and S_____.
Who are the Pueblo, Navajo, Apache , Zuni and Hopi?
This group of tribes lived in the dry hot desert. There are 5 TRIBES! (hint: They begin with P___, N___, A___, Z___, H___
What is the Tinglit, Inuit and Cahuilla?
We lived close to the sea and where it is cold and rainy. There are 3 tribes. What are they?
Who are the Great Plains People?
We used a coup stick to teach courage or bravery to boys. We learned life long skills...girls learned to sew and boys would hunt.
Who are the Creeks?
We had lodges/huts made of sticks and grass/mud for homes. We are descendents from the Mississippian Mound builders.
What is a teepee?
The Great Plains People lived in these cone shaped homes that were made out of bison hide, sticks and were mobile.
What are hogans?
The Southwest people made their homes out of adobe to protect them from heat. They are dome shaped and made of mud, soil and stick. What are they called?
Who are the Inuit?
We lived in the Arctic. We had pit houses and igloos. We used skin and bones from sea creatures to make tools.
Who are the Iroquois and Creeks?
We used slash and burn to make room for farming crops. Who are we?
What is the Creek Confederacy?
This was a union of people that joined to protect the Creeks from enemies.
What is Bison?
The Great Plains People traded with farmers and hunted this animal for food, shelter and clothing.
Who are the Navajos?
We learned dry farming from the Pueblos.
What are whales, walruses and seals?
We lived by the ocean and ate a lot of these 3 animals.
What is the Great Plains?
This place is a vast flat region where there are lots of bison. This area is Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Oklahoma.
What is a clan mother?
This leader is a woman and they choose or remove men leaders for the clan.
What are horses?
The Great Plains People measured their wealth or how rich they were from having lots of these.
Who are the Pueblos?
We used ladders to et into our homes. We lived in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah
What is a totem pole?
We carved these tall, thin, wooden poles which would tell about the family heritage.
Who are the Southwest Desert People?
OR Who are the Pueblos and Navajos?
We used dry farming. Ate corn, beans, squash and hunted sheep.
What is the Iroquois Confederacy?
5 of the Iroquois groups united to maintain peace among them. Hiawatha and Degananida them to come together.
What is a travois?
The Great Plains People used these sleds for transporting supplies.
What are sheep?
The Navajos captured this animal to wove wool and meat to eat.
Who are the Tinglit?
We lived in Alaska and became wealthy because of the Great Trade Route.
What are pit house
The Inuit lived in these and were made of stone that is covered in earth.