Proclamations of Indains | Facts about the Occupation |
what is $1.24
How much $$$$ were the native americans offering per acre of Alcatraz?
What is 1969
What year did the occupation start in?
What is for education purposes, native american spirituality, or cultural activity
Give a purpose that the Indians planning to use Alcatraz
What is 19 months
How long did the Native American occupation last?
What are the Sioux, Navajo, Cherokee, Mohawk, Puyallup, Yamika, Hoopa, and Omaha
Name all eight tribes that native americans occupying Alcatraz came from
What is 89
How many people first landed on Alcatraz in 1969?
What is 24 dollars in glass beads and red cloth, and 1.24 per acre
(Free response) What did the native americans offer to the U.S. as payment for Alcatraz?
Acceptable answer
(Free response) Do you thin the native american occupation of Alcatraz was successful? Why or why not?