Serving up Pensions Don't want to go to Rehab, no, no, no The Notorious B. T. F. Talkin' Bout Benefits Let's Get Paid
What is Vesting Service?
This type of service determines my eligibility
What is April 17, 2019?
Amy Winehouse released her famous song on October 23, 2006. Like Winehouse, the Fund went to Rehab but on this date:
What is September 1966?
The Notorious B.I.G. was born May 21, 1972. The Notorious B. T. F. was founded this month and year.
What is Medical and Rx?
These two benefits, your exams and your pills, are covered together.
What is a Single Life Annuity?
Meaning to receive each month for life, this is the normal form of payment for single participants, which prior to the Rehab Plan guaranteed at least 60 payments:
What is Credited Service?
Money, money, money this type of service determines how much I will receive when I retire
What are subsidies?
Nothing in life is free, just like these that are eliminated by the Rehab Plan.
What is 5? Medical and Rx, Dental, Vision, Disability, and Life AD&D.
The Notorious released 2 albums and won 3 Billboard Music Awards. The B.T.F. offers this many benefit coverages.
Where is EyeMed?
Where I need to go to see things more clearly.
What is 4.8%?
Prior to the Rehab Plan, age reduction factors were subsized, this number represents that reduction per year prior to age 65.
What is Prior Plan Vesting Service?
I may be new to your Fund, but I am not new to retirement plans. I'm bringing this service type with me.
What are the certain payments?
Drinking 60 beers could send you to Rehab, but in this Rehab, 60 of these are eliminated.
What are high, medium, low, and national?
Mo' Money. Mo' Problems. These are the cost-regions for medical coverage in the BTF.
What is four?
The Plan offers this number of Dental Options.
What are Joint and Survivor 50, 75, and 100, Single Life Annuity and Single Life Annuity with 120 certain payments.
Excluding any options eliminated by the Rehab Plan, these are the most common five payment forms a participant can choose.
What is my normal benefit amount?
It's time to do some math. My vesting service and credited service determine this:
What is 180 days?
Rehab can last 30-90 days for most people, how long do bargaining parties have to adopt a Rehab Plan Schedule after CBA expiration?
What is appeal to the Board of Trustees?
The BTF will not cover your "hypnotize"m. This is what you can do.
What is Accidental Death and Dismemberment?
The A D & D in Life AD&D, this benefit covers me when something does not go as planned.
What is a spousal waiver form?
I'm married and want to get paid. I'll need this form if I choose not to take a Joint and Survivor payment form.
What is military service during covered employment?
I have done my duty. Federal law says I can get vested or credited service for this:
What is Rebuild the credit balance & bolster
long-term stability to protect the core retirement benefit of all Plan participant?
After an anti-Semite rant, Mel Gibson went to Rehab trying to prove he isn't racist. The Fund's Rehab Plan is designed to do this:
What is 30 days?
The Notorious' final album was released just 16 days after his death. You have this many days after a qualifying event, like a death, to make benefit additions or changes.
What are

• $15,000
• $25,000
• $50,000
• $100,000
• $150,000
• 1x Salary
• 2x Salary
These are the levels of Life Insurance Coverage available under the BTF.
What is have a last day worked no later than 12/31/21 and my completed application and all documents received by the Fund no later than 12/30/21?
I am trying to get paid on January 1, 2022 under the Preferred Schedule. I will need to meet these requirements to keep my subsidies.

National Pension Fund

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