Movie/Film | Western Washington University | Food | World History | Animals |
What is Snow White?
What was the first full length, full color animated movie?
Who is Bruce Shepard?
Who is the president of Western?
What is venison?
Deer meat is known as what?
What is Hawaii?
The last U.S state to become a state was what?
What is an elephant?
What is the largest land mammal?
What is Jaws?
The quote, 'We need a bigger boat.' is from what famous movie?
True or False? Western has a Greek major.
What is maize?
What is another name for corn?
Who is Edward Teach?
The pirate known as Blackbeard was actually named what?
What is eight?
How many legs does a spider have?
Who is Flora, Fauna, and Meriwether?
In Disney's 'Sleeping Beauty' what were the names of the three fairies that raised the princess?
True of False? Western has a Urban Planning and Sustainable Development major.
True or False? India is the world's largest producer of bananas.
What is 1939?
World War II began in what year?
What is dancing?
How do bees communicate to each other the location of flowers?
What is Avatar?
The current highest all time worldwide box office gross was for what movie?
What is the Skyview Sculpture?
The sculpture in Red Square, often referred to as 'the Cube', is actually named what?
What is Super Bowl Sunday?
What is the 2nd largest day for U.S food consumption after Thanksgiving?
What is the Louisiana Purchase?
In 1803 the U.S negotiated what historical purchase with France?
What is their feet?
What do butterflies taste with?
What is Agent?
In the beginning of the Marvel movie 'The Avengers', Tony Stark (Ironman) insists that Phil Coulson's first name is actually what?
What is 1893?
What year was Western founded?
What is twelve?
How many flowers are in the design stamped on each side of an Oreo cookie?
Who is Cleopatra?
Who was Alexander the Great's sister?
What is a congress?
What is a group of baboons called?