Abbreviations | Infection Control | safety and emergency | Long Term Care | Body Systems |
What is nothing by mouth
what is hand washing
What is the most effective and affordably way to prevent the spread of infectionwash hands
What is Everyone
whose job is it to ensure safe practices
What is ADL's
bathing, dressing, eating
What is process glucose
what does insulin do?
What is always
when should universal precautions be used
What is R.A.C.E.
Rescue alarm confine extinguish
What is dementia
loss of mental abilities
What is flexibility, arthritis, vision
This makes ambulating difficult as residents age
What is passive range of motion bilateral upper extremities
What is germs
micro organisms found everywhere that may or may not cause infection.
What is 30 compressions to 2 breaths
In CPR what is the ratio of breaths to compressions
What is OBRA
The organization responsible to regulate nurse aide training
What is estrogen
The decrease of this increases the risk for brittle bones in menopausal women
What is urinary tract infedtion
What is PPE
equipment worn to protect against blood and body fluids
What is With a doctors order
When can restraints be used
What is Physical or occupational therapy
the department responsible for muscle restoration
What is dehydration
fluid loss is greater than intake causes
What is weight bearing as tolerated
What is Nosocomial
a health care acquired infection
What is dizzy, confused, sweaty, weak pulse
A sign of shock is...
What is HIPAA
The act assuring aintaining resident/patient privacy
What is cataracts
this can cause the resident to see halos