Schizophrenia Myths and Facts. (True or False) | Schizophrenia Averages and Statistics |
Many people who have schizophrenia wait months, sometimes years, and suffer needlessly before a proper diagnosis is made and treatment begins. Sometimes this is because they are unaware of what is wrong.
Everyone who has schizophrenia knows that they have an illness. True or False
Schizophrenia affects approximately ______% of Americans
Schizophrenia is not a split personality disorder. The myth of people with schizophrenia may have come about because the word schizophrenia comes from Greek words that mean "split mind." The split is referring to a split from reality – not a split or mult
People with schizophrenia have split or multiple personalities. True or False
Three out of every ____ people will experience a psychotic episode at some time in their lives
Schizophrenia is a complex disorder. It is not the result of anyone’s weakness or character flaws.
ANSWER: False.
People get schizophrenia because they had bad parenting as children or because they have weak character or personalities. True or False
____% of those affected by schizophrenia have a co-occurring substance abuse or chemical dependency diagnosis
While there is no cure for schizophrenia, there are effective treatments. Medications, recovery-oriented psychosocial treatments and rehabilitation practices are increasingly helping people with schizophrenia to lead productive, successful and independent
Schizophrenia is hopeless; people who have it never recover. True or False
late teens to early 20s
The average age of onset for schizophrenia for males,
Psychotic and non-psychotic are just labels. Schizophrenia is a complex disorder that cannot be categorized into one particular flaw.
ANSWER: False.
There are psychotic and non-psychotic people. True or False
mid-20s to early 30s
The average onset for schizophrenia for females,