Articulation | Notes and Cleffs | Tempos | Dynamics | Time Signatures and Note Values |
What is staccato?
An articulation signifying a note of shortened duration.
What is the Treble Clef?
The clef used for trumpets, flutes, clarinets, etc.
What is Moderato?
A tempo indicating the music should be played moderately.
What is Piano?
The dynamic telling musicians to play quietly.
What is a Quarter Note?
A note which is one beat long in 4/4 time.
What is Legato?
An articulation that indicates musical notes are to be played or sung smoothly and connected.
What is 'E?'
The note which lies on the bottom line of the Treble Clef.
What is Allegro?
A tempo indicating the music should be played fast, quickly, and bright.
What is Mezzo Forte?
The dynamic telling musicians to play medium-loud.
What is 3/4 Time?
The time signature with 3 beats where a quarter note gets on count.
What is an accent?
An articulation which indicates a note that should be attacked louder than the surrounding notes and then intermediately backed off of.
What is 'D?'
The note which lies on the 3rd or middle line of the Bass Clef.
What is Adagio?
A tempo indicating the music should be played slowly and stately, or literally 'at ease.'
What is Fortissimo?
The dynamic telling musicians to play very loudly.
What is a Dotted Eighth Note?
The note which gets 3/4 of a beat in common time.
What is Marcato?
An articulation which informs musicians to play notes detached and slightly louder, or 'marked.'
What is a ledger line?
The line used to extend the staff for a note higher or lower than the typical lines and spaces.
What is Andante?
A tempo indicating the music should be played at a walking pace.
What is a crescendo?
The term or symbol telling musicians to gradually increase their volume.
What is 6/8 Time?
The time signature used in marches when a triplet is wanted on each beat.
What is Tenuto?
An articulation marking telling musicians to hold the note in question its full length (or longer, with slight rubato).
What is the Alto Clef?
The clef with middle C as it's middle or 3rd line.
What is Presto?
A tempo indicating the music should be played extremely fast, or 180-200 BPM.
What is a Sforzando Piano?
The dynamic telling musicians to play a specific note loudly and then back off to quiet.
What is 2/2 or Cut Time?
The time signature also known as Alla Breve.