Platform | Spotlight (Part 1) | Spotlight (Part 2) | Voices in Concert | Music! Its Role and Importance in Our Lives |
What is Music Studio?
This is the name of a platform and not a product
What is Hal Leonard, From the Top, and Music Theatre International?
The three partnerships that help MHE deliver the highest-quality content
What is a glossary?
Usually referring to a list of vocabulary words used in a program, this also refers to a list of musical instruments and can be found in the back of the Song Anthologies
What are Choral Music and Sight-Singing?
These two types of courses are paired together to meet standards and help students build skills necessary for successful performances
What is "a sociological approach to music"
This is the program's tag line
What are presentation slides?
These are included in the teacher experience, right next to the teacher text
What is 4?
The number of sections in the program
What is the Concept Overview section?
This is found at the beginning of each teacher experience lesson plan, and outlines objectives, vocab, and listening selections
What are the Choral Music books?
These printed pieces contain only octavo notation
What are seven?
The number of sections within the program
What is Engrade?
This is the assessment engine used by Music Studio
What is Music Reading?
The section parallel to Concepts in skills and concepts presented
What is ConnectED mobile
This app helps teachers access content (Song Anthologies pages and audio!) offline
What are pitch builders?
This type of activity helps students master tricky pitch patterns
What is 300?
The number of high-quality streaming listening selections in the program
What is the Resources page?
This is the page from which you can easily launch Interactive Listening Maps, Interactive Songs, Virtual Instruments, and more
What are Orff and Kodaly?
The two major music teaching philosophies/approaches
Who is Quaver?
This is Spotlight on Music's newest (and fastest growing) competitor
What are rhythm builders?
This type of activity helps students master tricky rhythmic patterns
What is the Resources page?
This page will help teachers quickly find listening selections and presentation slides
What is he Cross-Grade Planner / Planning wizard?
One of the best things about this tool is that after using it, teachers can easily launch lessons from their teacher dashboards
What is 1,300+?
Number of interactive songs across grades PreK-8
Who is Pearson?
This competitor just came out with a printed component to stay competitive with Spotlight on Music
What is the overview brochure?
This piece of collateral contains a list of all the Choral Music pieces used in the program
Who is SONY?
This partner helps us license the high-quality listening selections found within MIRI