Music History | Composers | Famous Pieces | Music Theory |
What is the Baroque period.
This period of music was characterized by being highly ornate, with fancy trills and complex scales.
Who is Bach.
This Baroque composer had 20 children.
What is Beethoven's 5th Symphony?
This peace is Beethoven's most famous symphony.
What is a scale?
A group or family of notes.
What is the Romantic period?
This period of music focused more on the emotional aspects of music.
Who is George Friderich Handel?
This composer was well known for his Water Music and the famous Hallelujah Chorus.
What is the Hungarian Rhapsody?
This piece gets its name from a word that means a dream of vision.
What is a harpsichord?
This keyboard instrument plucked the strings rather than striking them.
Who is Joseph Haydn?
This Classical Composer was well known for including surprises in his music.
What is Toccata and Fugue?
This is Bach's most famous organ pieces.
What is an organ?
This instrument's name literally means "instrument," and is the larges of all the instruments.
Who is Beethoven?
This composer went deaf later in life, but continued to compose music.
What is the Raindrop Prelude by Chopin?
This piece sounds like constantly dripping water
What is the piano (forte)?
This instrument can play both softly and loudly.
Who is Mozart?
This composer was a child prodigy, and wrote his first concerto at the age of 4.
What is
This Beethoven piano piece