Composers | Forms | -Isms | Compositions | Musical terms |
Who is Beethoven
Known as the "bridge" from the Classical Period to the Romantic Period
What is sonata form
Starts by "exposing" main themes and "recapitulates" them later
What is Impressionism
In painting, Monet; in music, Debussy
What is Beethoven's 5th Symphony
Opens with short-short-short-long
What is a Concerto
Features a soloist and an orchestra
Who is Berlioz
His most famous work is one Fantastic Symphony!
What is a fugue
Starts with each voice stating the same "subject"
What is Classicism
Values balance, symmetry, and hierarchy
What is The Elfking
Super scary song about a father and son on horseback and a supernatural being
What is Gregorian Chant
Monks sing lots of this
Who was Stravinsky
Started a riot with nothing more than a ballet
What is Binary Form
Contains two sections; the first ends in V, the second ends in I, and both repeat.
What is Expressionism
"Dark black giant moths kill the radiance of the sun" in this style
What is The Rite of Spring
What is Music-Drama
Wagner's term for his operas
Who is Bach
In addition to composing, his contract required to teach singing, play the organ in church, conduct several choirs, and teach Latin to boys in school
What is a Rondo
A favorite structure for Classical-period finales, this form contains a "refrain" that keeps returning
What is Minimalism
What is Wagner's The Ring of the Nibelung
(or just "The Ring Cycle" is ok)
Cycle of 4 operas to be performed 4 nights in a row
What is Absolute Music
Music that doesn't contain a literary element or title
Who was Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel
Although this composer's sibling is more famous today, just might have been the better composer
What is an Episode
In a fugue or a ritornello form, the interlude-like section that does NOT contain the primary melodic melody
What is Romanticism
It's all about me, my emotions, and my subjectivity
What is Dido and Aeneas
Ends with main character committing suicide, while singing her own lament
What is Texture
Examples are monophonic, homophonic, and polyphonic