Melody: Musical Line | Rhythm and Meter | Harmony: Musical Space | The Organization of Musical Sounds. | Musical Texture |
What is Melody
The succession of single pitches that we perceive as recognizable whole
What is Rhythm.
This propels the music forward.
What is Harmony.
The simultaneous combination of sounds.
What is the Diatonic Scale.
This scale is built on whole and half steps.
What is Texture.
The interweaving of musical lines of melody and harmony together.
What is Range
The distance between the lowest and highest notes of any instrument.
What is Simple Meter.
2/4, 3/4, 4/4
What are Chords.
Three or more notes sounded together.
What are Sharps and Flats.
These raise or lower natural pitches.
What is Monophony.
The simplest of all textures.
What is Contour
The shape of any melody that turns upward or downward.
What is Beat.
This is the basic unit of rhythm.
What is a scale.
Also known as do, re mi, fa sol, la ti, do.
What is the Chromatic Scale.
This scale is built with all half steps. It is also referred to as the color scale.
What is Imitation.
Canons and rounds are examples of this type of texture.
What is Interval
The distance between any two pitches.
What is Compound Meter
3/8, 6/8, 12/8
What is Dissonance and Consonance.
Tension and resolution are also known as.
What is Transposition.
Rewriting a song to fit your instrument is called.
What is Polyphony.
Many voiced texture with different melodic lines.
What is Conjunct and Disjunct.
The two words mean to move by steps or jumps.
What are Up and Down Beats.
All measures have these kinds of beats.
What is Tonality.
The Tonic is the central pitch, but this is the over all principal on which melody and harmony are built.
What is Modulation.
The changing from one key to another in any song is called.
What is Homophony.
One melodic voice is prominent over accompanying lines or voices.