The Technicals | Terms and Types | Old Folks and Newcomers | What's in a Canon? | Big Ideas |
What is an orchestra?
A group of musicians in Western music made up of strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion.
What is opera buffa?
A comic opera form from Italy
Who is Sissieretta Jones (1868-1933)?
The highest-paid African American musician of her day, and the founder of Black Patti's Troubadours
Who is Kendrick Lamar (b. 1987)?
The artist of the album "To Pimp a Butterfly," and a winner of the Pulitzer Prize
What is roasting (or the dozens)?
A way of demonstrating playful linguistic excellence through carefully worded insults
What is a concerto?
A piece of music for solo instrument and orchestra
What is a primadonna?
During the 19th century, the leading lady of an opera cast
Who is Nadia Boulanger (1887-1979)?
The sister of the winner of the Prix de Rome in 1913, and a famous composition teacher in Paris
Who is Beyoncé (b. 1981)?
The artist who referenced the Black Panthers in her Superbowl halftime show featuring her song "Formation"
What is Fluxus?
A coalition of artists that included Moorman, Paik, and Yoko Ono with a manifesto about accessible art
What is call and response?
A style with West African roots that involves a leader and a chorus singing (or speaking) back and forth to each other
What is rubato?
The flexible handling of rhythm
Who is Clara Schumann (1819-1896)?
A virtuoso nineteenth-century pianist and composer whose husband was a student of her father
Who is Eric Satie (1866-1925)?
A two-time dropout of the Paris Conservatoire who penned a piece with instructions to play it 840 times
What is a song cycle?
Especially in nineteenth-century Germany, a collection of songs that are organized around a central story or theme
What is meter?
How the beats are divided (often into twos or threes)
What is aleatoric music or chance music?
A compositional style which is not controlled by the composer
Who is Yvette Janine Jackson?
Composer of "radio opera" who began her studies at Columbia University's computer music center
What are spirituals?
The roots of jazz are often said to be in ragtime, blues, and this iconic African American song form
What is polytonality?
The use of several keys at once (as in Stravinsky's Rite of Spring)?
What is sonata form?
The form that is often the first movement of a symphony
What is bel canto style?
A 19th century Italian singing style characterized by perfect legato and agile delivery
Who is Charlotte Moorman (1933-1991)?
The cellist who worked with Nam June Paik on the composition "TV Cello" (1971)
Who is Carlos ChĂ vez (1899-1978)?
A composer interested in pre-conquest Mexico, who wrote two Aztec ballets
What is double consciousness?
W. E. B. DuBois's famous term for the internal conflict experienced by subordinated or colonized groups in an oppressive society