Bones | Joints | Neck and Above | Shoulders and Below | Muscles |
What is calcium?
These two minerals that bones provide a reservoir for are phosphorus and ____.
What is fibrous?
The type of joint that is fixed and has little movement is a this type of joint.
What is cranium?
The skull is divided into the bones of the face and this.
What is the humerus?
This bone is the long bone of the upper forelimbs.
What are pectorals?
This group of muscles on the chest.
What are collagen fibers?
Organic portions of the bones contains cells and this.
What is synovial?
This type of joint is a truly moveable joint.
What is cranium?
The brain is protected by this?
What is the femur?
This bone is the long bone of the hind limb.
What is the bicep?
This muscle originates on the scapula and insert on the radius and ulna.
What are blood cells?
Bone marrow produces this.
What is a hinge?
The elbow joint is an example of this type of joint.
What is the mandible?
This bone is the only moveable bone in the skull.
What are the phalanges?
These bones from the toes of all four feet.
What are the intercostals?
These respiratory muscles are situated between the ribs.
What are osteoblasts?
Bone cells that lay down the beginning of bone are call this.
What is an ellipsoid?
The wrist is an example of this type of joint.
What is the mandible?
This bone holds teeth.
What is the vertebral column?
This extends the length of the body from the skull.
What are tendons?
This is the strong white bands of connective tissue that attaches muscles to bone.
What is the medullary cavity.
The space located in the shaft of a long bone is the ___.
What is abduction?
This term is used to describe when a body part moves away from the body.
What is the maxilla?
This bone is the upper jaw.
What is 13?
Dogs have this many ribs.
What is the gastrocnemius?
This calf muscle flexes the leg and the foot.